If you're a guy and you like guys, you're gay. If you're a guy and you like Jack, you're human.

Name: Captain Jack Harkness (real name is Javic Piotr Thane), Face of Boe
Origin: Doctor Who, Torchwood
Gender: Male
Classification: Immortal Human, former Time Agent. Head of Torchwood Three
Age: At least 2100, possibly over 5 billion
Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical characteristics, superhuman durability, and reaction/reflexes, expert in various firearms, skilled fighter, immortality (type 3, close to type 4), regeneration (high-mid), minor telepathy and resistance to it, highly resistant to heat and radiation, evolved human pheromones which makes him naturally nice-smelling and attractive to others, as the Face of Boe he can emit mists to shield himself and others against airborne pathogens
Weaknesses: Is physically human, as the Face of Boe, he is immobile, the more he is damaged, the longer it takes him to revive
Destructive Capacity: Street level on his own, wall level+ with various weapons
Range: Melee range, several dozen meters with weapons
Speed: Peak human, with incredibly fast reflexes likely FTL
Durability: Superhuman, highly resistant to various temperatures and radiation (immortality makes him very hard to kill)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (strong enough to rip the bolts of chains he had been bound with by the Master out of the wall)
Striking Strength: Peak human
Stamina: Peak human+
Standard Equipment: Various guns, compact laser deluxe, vortex manipulator that allows basic time travel and teleportation, and a variety of other devices
Intelligence: Very Intelligent, knowledgeable of a wide variety of technologies and weapons, both future and alien, experienced leader.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
