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Name: Arachne Gorgon, The Heretic
Origin: Soul Eater
Gender: Female
Classification: Witch
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, agility, magic manipulation (Archne's magic is more focused on manipulating the enemy from afar, rather than for direct combat), can create threads that immobilize her foes, mind control, the ability to leave her body and become "Madness"
Weaknesses: after leaving her body she becomes weaker (her mind control gets much stronger,tho)
Destructive Capacity: Large building level+ via powerscalling (even without a body she was able to harm Maka)
Range: One hundred or so meters
Speed: Hypersonic+ via powerscaling
Durability: Large building level+ (becomes incorporeal after leaving her body)
Lifting Strength: Class 1
Striking Strength: Class KJ
Stamina: Superhuman, exact level unknown
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, great prep skills
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Thread: Arachne can create threads that leave a person immobilized for an unknown amount of time - possibly depending on how strong the subject is. In her disembodied form, it appears that she is able to produce massive quantities of these threads and launch them at her opponent.

- Mind Control: This type of magic allows her to pull a person inside themselves and control them by making them face their worst fears; should someone outside distract the targeted person, however, the spell will be broken. After leaving her body, the power of this spell increases to a level where it is able to completely incapacitate Medusa in less than a second.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
