DeckerGreymon OBD
Assault-strike Mode

Name: Decker Greymon
Origin: Digimon Xros Wars
Gender: Male
Classification: Composition
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Flight/levitation, super speed, strength, durability, can fire plasma balls, energy blasts, can destroy an area 10 km in every direction if he is defeated, etc.
Weaknesses: Relatively slow on land, if he is too damaged, he reverts back to his component forms
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (final spark has a diameter of 20 km)
Range: Dozens of kilometers
Speed: Hypersonic+ flight, superhuman speed on land
Durability: City level+ (considered to have better defensive capabilities than Shoutmon X5 )
Strength: 100+ tons
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Plasma Deckerdra-launcher
Intelligence: Has all the knowledge and battle experience of Greymon, Mailbirdramon, and Deckerdramon.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Plasma Deckerdra-launcher: Shoots a ball of plasma from its arm cannon.

- Final Spark: If taken down, takes the energy released within its body to its utmost limit and releases it all at once, creating a tremendous shock wave that scorches the earth for 10 km in every direction.

- Cyber Blader: Shoots a ball of plasma from its arm cannon and then fires beams into it from its back cannons to rain blasts onto the earth.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
