Spore Hero for the Nintendo Wii.

Background Information

Spore Hero is a spin-off to the Spore franchise and lets the player take control of a creature (Default name being Sporeling) who hatches from an egg contained within a blue meteor. Red meteors have also fallen and hatched out the main creature's enemy from their old world. This enemy is known as Zarkhator and the player must go around and stop his attacks and eventually defeat him before Zarkhator can end the world.

Standing in the Battledome

The verse has characters who can shatter giant clusters of rocks, break down walls and shatter meteors. Its best feat is in the intro where a galaxy sized explosion occurs.

It is the strongest series in the Spore franchise, with Spore being 2nd and Spore Creatures being 3rd.

Supporters of the Series

  • Desln
  • Overlord Murasama

See Also:

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