William Black Scythe Fable OBD
If they're not one and the same, I'll eat a fucking hat

Name: William Black/Archon/Scythe
Origin: Fable
Gender: Male
Classification: Hero/Human/Archon/Immortal
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, master archer, master swordsman, immortality (of types 1, 2, and possibly 7), doesn't require a soul to live, likely capable of using any form of existing Will Powers given he was the progenitor of the art (at the very least should be capable of mimicking feats displayed by his descendents and the Court of Blades), teleportation, regeneration (mid-low)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable | Weakened significantly since his battle with the Court of Blades
Destructive Capacity: Continent level+ (after being granted the power of the Sword of Aeons, William Black was capable of defeating all 3 members of the Court of Blades in single combat with varying levels of difficulty) | At least country level+
Range: Planetary through magic, extended human melee range with weapons | Dozens of kilometers with magic via powerscaling, extended human melee range with melee weapon
Speed: Supersonic+ (far superior to Reaver who can casually swat away bullets with a cane), hypersonic+ reflexes/reaction time
Durability: Continent level+ (superior to the Court of Blades and traded blows with the Queen of Blades for weeks while coming out victorious) | At least country level+
Lifting Strength: At least Class M+ (immensely superior to any form of creature roaming Albion, this is inclusive of Trolls, Krakens, and Dragons)
Striking Strength: Class YJ (wields the Sword of Aeons, which granted him the power to slay the Court of Blades) | Class TJ+
Stamina: Absurdly high (fought with the Queen of Blades for weeks on end in a battle that devastated mountains and carved up new valleys with each strike) | Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Sword of Aeons, his armor | Unknown
Intelligence: Experienced and skilled master of all three Heroic Disciplines. Successfully led his kingdom to a time of prosperity.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Prime William Black | Scythe