Mimosa Vermilion


Name: Mimosa Vermillion 
Origin:  Black Clover
Gender: Female
Classification: Human
Age: 15
Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Plant Manipulation, Healing Magic, & Enhancement abilities
Weaknesses: None Notable
Destructive Capacity: Unknown 
Range: Several meters with her spells
Speed: Massively Hypersonic
Durability: Unknown 
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Class KJ 

Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Grimiore
Intelligence: Skilled Combatant, Member of the Golden Dawn Squad
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Plant Magic - Mimosa uses this form of magic to generate and manipulate plants. She mostly uses this magic for supplementary type spells, however, she has offensive abilities. 

1) Magic Cannon Flower

Mimosa creates a large flower and, from an opening of the petals, launches a powerful beam of concentrated mana.

The spell could also be grown around corners, allowing the user to fire from cover.

2) Magic-Controlling Weeds

Mimosa plants a special seed within an opponent's spell. When the grass sprouts, she is able to take control of the effected spell.


Healing Magic - Mimosa is able to heal herself or someone else by using plants as a catalyst for her spells.

1) Dream-Healing Flower Cradle

Mimosa summons countless vines and uses them to form a cradle around the user or another target.

She is able to generate multiple cradles to heal multiple people at once. However, each cradle can only contain a single person.

2) Princess-Healing Flower Robe

Mimosa is covered by vines and flowers, forming a dress. The dress has a pair of wing-like ornaments which are also composed of leaves and flowers.

This spell is more powerful than Dream Healing Flower Cradle. Through this spell, Mimosa is able to pour magical power into an injured person in order to heal them.


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
