Name: Lumiere Silvamillion
Origin: Black Clover
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Age: 25
Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Heightened Instincts/Senses, Mana Manipulation, Mana Sensory, Light Manipulation, & Enhancement abilities. 
Weaknesses: None Notable
Destructive Capacity: At least town level+ (was capable of matching Demon Licht's attacks)
Range: Hundreds of kilometers
Speed: FTL
Durability: At least town level+ 
Lifting Strength: Superhuman 
Striking Strength:
 Class TJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Grimiore 
Intelligence: Prince of the Clover Kingdom and very first Magic Emperor
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Reinforcement Magic - Lumiere uses this form of magic to enhance his physical abilities.

1) Mana Skin

2) Mana Zone


Light Magic - Lumiere uses this form of magic to generate and manipulate light. He can use it to blind his opponents or move at a remarkable speed.

1) Lamp Of Avior

Lumiere surrounds himself with light and then, holding out his arm, launches the concentrated light at a target.

2) Lamp Of Avior Gloria

After taking control of the surrounding mana, Lumiere unleashes multiple concentrated blasts of light.


Union Magic - This form of magic allows the users to combine multiple different spells or magics to create a single, more powerful spell.

1) Protecting Light (Requires Licht)

Using the Demon-Dweller Sword's ability to connect to their allies, the two mages grab hold of the sword, and Licht channels the Lumiere's power through the sword to their allies. The Light Magic creates a large protective aura that also boosts the recipients' speed.


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
