Demon Final Fantasy OBD
The Demon

Name: Demon
Origin: Final Fantasy VI
Gender: Male
Classification: God of Magic
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speeddurability, magic, elemental manipulation (of the fire and wind variety), energy blasts, flight and levitation, barrier creation, petrification, telekinesis (able to call down meteors), time manipulation (in the variety of speeding himself up and stopping targets)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: At least large planet level+ (equal in power to both the Fiend and Goddess, making up the whole of the Warring Triad) | Large planet level+
Range: Planetary
Speed: Sub-relativistic+ (should be comparable to Esper Terra)
Durability: At least large planet level+ (was locked in a stalemated conflict with the Fiend and Goddess with no discernible victor) | Large planet level+
Lifting Strength: At least Class G+, likely higher (superior to Master Duncan, who during the Apocalypse was swallowed by a pair of fissures that opened in the ground and proceeded to pry them both back open upon closing)
Striking Strength: Class XKJ+
Stamina: Can casually levitate large land masses for extended periods of time
Standard Equipment: Battle Axe
Intelligence: Skilled and experienced fighter
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 


Key: Prime | Drained