"Let's settle this, Kazuraba!"

Name: Kamen Rider Baron, Kaito Kumon, Lord Baron
Origin: Kamen Rider Gaim
Gender: Male
Classification: Former Human, Beat Rider/Armored Rider, Overlord
Age: 20
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, agility, dexterity, can leap over several meters into the air casually, considerable willpower (was able to maintain his consciousness as Lord Baron, after spending several days suffering from the Helheim disease), can create a banana-like projection from his spear to attack enemies, can change forms for different powers and weapons, can summon and control Inves from another dimension (via Lockseeds intially, later he can do so without it), regeneration (low-mid), can create spikes of energy from the ground to attack opponents from a distance, said spikes can also act as a shield against attacks and hit multiple times, can travel between dimensions with Rose Attacker, can make a shield out of banana projections to defend against attacks | Increased strength and durability, can fire mango-shaped energy blast at his opponents | Increased stats, can fire energy arrows that track enemies after being fired, can shoot a rain of arrows over a certain area, can utilize the powers of his other Lockseeds (as seen as when he made a barrier with his Banana Lockseed attached to the Sonic Arrow) | Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, agility, dexterity, can fire shockwave blasts from his hands, can control and generate Helheim floral, can create cracks that lead to other dimensions and areas, can turn his body into a cloud of smoke to attack and ensnare his opponents, telepathy (given that the other Overlords have this ability), can absorb energy blasts and redirect them
Weaknesses: Needs to transform into his Overlord form to wield his full power as Lord Baron, has deep obsession with power, can be a bit overconfident, his pride can sometimes override his common sense.
Destructive Capacity: At least building level+, likely higher (is Gaim's equal) | Large building level+ | City block level+ | At least multi city block level+, likely higher
Range: Generally extended melee range, several dozen meters with projectiles
Speed: Superhuman+ movement speed, supersonic+ reactions (fodder Inves are capable of reacting to Gaim and Ryugen's projectiles, managed to deflect Ryugen's projectiles from close range) | Superhuman movement speed, supersonic+ reactions | At least superhuman+ movement speed, hypersonic reactions (can react to the speed of the ballistic missiles launched from several countries) | At least superhuman+ movement speed, hypersonic+ reactions
Durability: At least building level+, likely higher | Large building level+ | City block level+ | At least multi city block level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+ | Class 1+ | At least Class 1+ | At least Class 5+
Striking Strength:
 Class MJ+ | Class GJ+ | At least Class GJ+ | Class TJ+
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Lockseeds, Sengoku Driver, Lockvehicle | A sword called Guronbaryamu
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, was able to master his rider powers under a short amount of time without any supervision from others, has shown to be both cunning and intiative at times.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Banana Arms | Mango Arms | Lemon Energy Arms | Lord Baron