Name: Leman Russ
Origin: Warhammer 40,000
Gender: Male
Classification: Space Marine Primarch
Age: 10,000+ years old
Powers and Abilities:Superhuman strength , speed, durability, reactions and stamina, immortality (Types 1 and3), regeneration (low-mid), high resistance to soulfuckmindfuck and magic, immunity to toxins and diseases, Psyker powers (extent unknown)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Moon level+ at least with physical attacks (can harm people with similar durability to himself, his sword is capable of destroying mountains, his physical fight with Magnus was causing large earthquakes throughout an entire city)
Range: Several meters melee range, several kilometers with ranged powers
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (quadruple digits Mach range)
Durability: Moon level+ at least (should be superior Lion El'Jonson, was able to tank Magnus the Red's casual attacks)
Lifting Strength: Class T+
Striking Strength: Class YJ+
Stamina: Huge
Standard Equipment: Power Armor, Spear of Russ, Mjalnar, Wolf Helm of Russ
Intelligence: Incredibly skilled military leader and combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
