Name: James Heller
Origin: Prototype
Gender: Genderless, though his default form appears male and seems to think of himself as such
Classification: (Former) Infected Human, Avatar of the Blacklight Virus
Age: Less than a few years, though he has the cumulative memories and experiences of many lives (including that of the real James Heller)
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, strength, durability, agility, stamina, immortality (types 1, 3 and 6), regeneration (low-high to high; can theoretically regenerate over time so long as any Blacklight molecules still exist), shapeshifting, absorption (can absorb people and all other kinds of organic life-forms, gaining their powers, skills, memories, knowledge and experience), enhanced senses (thermal vision; can see through walls, people and other solid objects as well as “ping” targets with a form of viral sonar), virus manipulation (can summon and control those infected with the Blacklight virus as well as infect others; powers like Biobomb and Musclemass allow him to physically alter the biology of the infected and himself), reactive evolution, flight (can glide and airdash), thunderclap, skilled h2h combatant, can throw nearby objects (and people) at high speeds with enough kinetic energy to destroy a tank or a helicopter, can pilot various kinds of military vehicles and has intimate knowledge of weaponry and tactics, can assume a heavy armor-plated form that is extremely difficult to damage, can run up sheer vertical surfaces despite his extremely heavy mass
Weaknesses: Regeneration will slow and eventually stop if he takes enough damage without feeding, the process of consuming a person and absorbing their memories seems to be momentarily disorienting
Destructive Capacity: Small city level (destroyed all of the infected in Manhattan nigh-instantly at the end of Prototype 2)
Range: Extended melee range, hundreds of meters with projectiles, multiple kilometers with tendrils
Speed: At least supersonic, possibly hypersonic
Durability: Small city level 
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (smashes tanks with other tanks)
Striking Strength: Class TJ
Stamina: Nearly limitless so long as he is fed
Standard Equipment: Himself
Intelligence: Extremely high; has the cumulative memories of thousands if not hundreds of people, many of them scientists and trained soldiers
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Claws: Claws are the most prominent anti-personnel ability. Biomass is shifted into 4-digited, talon-like appendages that can be used to shred flesh and bone, cutting both the infected and military in half with a single sweep in some cases.

-Hammerfists: Hammerfists are primarily an anti-vehicle power. By shifting large amounts of biomass towards the hands, large hammer-like weapons are formed that are excellent for crushing both vehicles and infantry.

-Whipfist: The Whipfist is a thin, flexible, blade-edged arm that can be used to attack at extreme range, or whip through entire crowds of enemies.

-Armor: The Armor power consists of black plates of hardened biomass; formed all around the body. While in this form, Alex Mercer was equivalent to a humanoid tank. This ability increases damage resistance overall, at the cost of movement and the ability to parkour.

-Shield: The Shield power is incredibly useful defense ability. It soaks up damage automatically until it shatters and regenerates automatically. It can also be used to deflect rockets and other projectiles.

-Tendrils: The Tendrils are an ability unique to James Heller, replacing the Musclemass ability developed by Alex Mercer. The Tendrils unleashed by Heller, are capable of lifting and tearing apart cars and military vehicles, ensnaring powerful infected beasts, and even ripping large groups of enemies to shreds.

-Hunting: Hunting is a new ability developed by James Heller which he uses to hunt his targets. This ability allows Heller to "ping" trenches, buildings, and facilities for human targets. When activated, Heller is capable of sending a viral sonar pulse to isolate his target among a group. This power can be mutated to detect targets at large distances. As this ability evolves, Heller can see through his targets and detect if they were being watched.

-Pack leader: Pack leader is an ability developed by James Heller after his consumption of the Evolved, Karen Archer. This ability allows Heller to summon a pack of Brawlers to fight by his side. In theory, it should allow him to control most if not all of the animalistic infected.

-Critical mass: A power that allows Heller to exceed his normal limits by absorbing excess biomass. This affords him an extra pool of health (biomass) as well as the ability to use Devastators.

-Devastators: Devastators are powerful area attacks that utilize the critical mass, in order to inflict damage upon multiple targets. Most of the devastators are evolution of a few offensive powers.

Heller's Tendril Barrage Devastator

Heller performing a Devastator with the Hammerfists

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
