Child Emperor
Child Emperor

 Name: Child Emperor
Origin: OnePunch-Man
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Rank 5 S-Class Superhero
Age: 10
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, technological genius, an assortment of offensive and defensive combat tools stuffed into his backpack
Weaknesses: Without his backpack, while still noticeably superhuman, he loses much offensive utility
Destructive Capacity: City level+ via his backpack technology (superior to PuriPuri-Prisoner and Zombie-man by their placement as "weakest" in S-Class.  Also casually killed Disaster level Demon Phoenix Man and has defeated all of Atomic Samurai's disciples including Iaian [a character that was capable of injuring Melzalgald]); at least multi city block level+ by himself  (as he's proven stronger than A Class on his own, he's superior to Hammerhead)
Range: Extended human melee range via his backpack technology
Speed: Hypersonic+ (able to avoid Evil Natural Water's attacks and has previously defeated Atomic Samurai's disciples including Iaian who has kept pace with Melzalgald)
Durability: City level+ (isn't outright ripped apart by Evil Natural Water's attacks and survived a casual strike from Garou)
Lifting Strength: Class 100+ via his backpack technology
Striking Strength: Class PJ+ via his backpack technology; Class GJ+ by himself (physically stronger than Stinger, an A Class Hero, thus stronger than Hammerhead, a B Class Criminal [even with his Battle suit])
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Backpack full of combat tools
Intelligence: Skilled fighter, child prodigy, and an expert engineer
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
