She is going to take you home

Name: Ryugu "Rena" Reina 
Origin: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Gender: Female
Classification: The Cute Mode and Cleaver Girl of "The Club" 
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Average strength, peak human speed with superhuman reactions, skilled game player, Skilled in CQC | Superhuman strength, speed, senses and in-human skills with pretty much everything
Weaknesses: Very clumsy | There is no such a thingit bends the very laws of physics | Usually gives her allucinations, and instability Showed some form of self control over it in outbreak (albeit She was pretty crazy during their fights)
Destructive Capacity: Peak human+ likely Superhuman (Rena Strikes in base are already enough to thrown Mion away to the point where they wonder whether she is a master of martial arts) | Superhuman+ possibly Wall level via statements (her jabs and movements are compared to flashes of lighting and consistently called supersonic; she was also able to casually one-shot short, fat otaku, who is a self-claimed martial artist that casually rag-dolled Keiichi) | Superhuman+  (rena can throw a ratchet with enough power to Fatally wound up someone's head, she also casually fought 20 hinamizawa villagers at the same time along with keiichi)
Range: Average human melee range Same | Can Cover some meters by throwing her hatchet
Speed: Superhuman to faster than the eye can see+ combat speed (Rena's strikes in base were already enough to blitz Keiichi and bypass Mion's reactions from two meters away more than once)Likely Supersonic combat speed (It is completely impossible for anyone to keep up with her movements within a two meters radius in a wayshe is capable to blitz three otaku with at least one of them being a martial artist at the same time; she consistently blitzed the club members and Hinamizawa villagers--even while holding back--and her fists were compared to lighting flashes and were stated to move at supersonic speeds more than once| Superhuman+ likely a bullet timer, Rena fought dozens of villagers armed with guns, and was able to outrun 2 armed villagers while holding someone heavier than herself
Durability: Peak human+ possibly superhuman Likely higher | Higher than normally
Lifting Strength: Likely average human (Keiichi is apparently better than her in this department and he is quite bad himself) |  Likely higher
Striking Strength: Easily Peak human+ likely Superhuman Superhuman+ likely Class KJ| Superhuman+
Stamina: Large | Extremely Large, Fought 3 days non stop
Standard Equipment: Her cleaver
Intelligence: Despite being clumsy and an airhead Rena can hold her own in the club games 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:



                                                                                       Goddammit, Keiichi, stop the fucking lies already.



                                           Cute Mode Rena Ora Ora Barrage

Key: Healthy | Cute Mode | Hinamizawa Syndrome