"Though apart from creed, Buddhism and I have a profound connection. It moveth me most deeply... shall I start a fire?"

Name: Mononobe no Futo
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Female
Classification: Human(?), Taoism practitioner claiming to be a Shikaisen, Miko's follower
Age: 1400+
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, flight, chi manipulation, elemental manipulation (of earth, water, fire and air), force fields, telekinesis, probability manipulation (Can inflict bad luck on others, which can causes random objects to fall on them mid-fight), power negation (magic cannot be performed without fortune, and Futo reduces the luck of others), limited shapeshifting (If she were to die, she would change her shape at will upon reincarnating), likely other Hermit abilities (such as teleportation), resistance to soul manipulation (her soul exists within a plate), immortality (types 1 and 6; dependent on soul-containing plate), bypass intangibility, resistance to mind manipulation
Weaknesses: If the body she transfered her soul (a plate) is destroyed she dies, a bit of a pyromaniac
Destructive Capacity: Large star level+ (somewhat weaker, but not too far behind Miko)
Range: Several hundred meters
Speed: MFTL+
Durability: Large star level+
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (slightly weaker than Tenshi)
Striking Strength: Class XTJ+
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: Plates, a boat, bow
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
