Witch of Izalith OBD
The Witch of Chaos

Name: The Witch of Izalith | The Bed of Chaos
Origin: Dark Souls
Gender: Female
Classification: Witch of Chaos/Lord/Origin of All Demons
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, elemental manipulation (of the fire variety), immortality (type 1)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable | It's rooted to one spot given it's more or less a tree
Destructive Capacity: Small city level+ (is capable of weaving massive firestorms) | At least small city level+ (is a amalgamation of the Witch and a few of her daughters)
Range: Several kilometers with Pyromancy | Several dozen meters with melee, several kilometers with Pyromancy
Speed: Supersonic+ (comparable to the other Lords)
Durability: Small city level+ | At least small city level+
Lifting Strength: Unknown (though being a Lord, she's likely at least comparable to the lesser demons) | Class M+
Striking Strength: Unknown | Class PJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Izalith Catalyst | It's a tree
Intelligence: Skilled and experienced combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Bed of Chaos OBD
The Origin of All Demons

Key: The Witch of Izalith | The Bed of Chaos