[No image available but the name alone should give you some ideas...]

Name: Madman; Sigismund, the Mad Mathemagician
Origin: Greenverse - Nightside
Gender: Male
Classification: Lunatic?...Insane?...Former Student of Deep School
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Reality warpingmatter manipulationtime manipulationtelepathy, due to being "exposed to reality as it really is" he can "See" past illusions which include those that hide the true nature of reality itself, spatial manipulation
Weaknesses: Failing his teachings at Deep School made him insane and he's not as powerful as he could've been, not to mention his abilities are more or less passive and he tends to make random changes as a result
Destructive Capacity: At least building level (doesn't really focus on raw power)
Range: At least several dozen meters
Speed: Peak human
Durability: Peak human (his power seems to passively protect him from harm as well)
Lifting Strength: Peak human
Striking Strength: Peak human
Stamina: Peak human
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: He perceived reality as it really is so he'd has significant knowledge on the overall cosmology of the different timelines and dimensions but....he's off his rocker, albeit even beforehand he was a leading scientist for NASA and is well versed in mysticism overall
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Was effecting an entire hotel with his powers.

1) “Oh thank God,” said the clerk, his manner changing in a moment. He leaned forward, his face suddenly pleading, almost pathetic. “Please get him out of here. You don’t know what it’s like, having him around. The screams and the howls and the rains of blood. The rooms that change position and the doors that suddenly don’t go anywhere. He scares the johns. He even scares the girls, and I didn’t think there was anything left that could do that. My nerves will never be the same again. He’s giving the hotel a really bad reputation.”

Can change a person's timeline, their personality, and as expected, their physiological structure.

2) Madman can be extremely dangerous to be around. He doesn’t believe what he sees is real, so for him it isn’t. Around him, the world follows his whims and wishes, his fears and his doubts, reality reordering itself to follow his drifting thoughts. Which can be helpful, or confusing, or scary, because he doesn’t necessarily believe in you, either. He can change your personality or your history without your even noticing. And people who annoy or threaten him sufficiently tend to get turned into things. Very unpleasant things.

Made a bunch of obscure changes to a room in the hotel he was held up in. John himself, a man who establishes mental defenses off general principles while in the Nightisde, says he could end up losing himself if he wasn't focused on the task at hand.

3) The room was far bigger than it should have been, though its shape was strangely uncertain. Instead of the pokey little crib I’d expected, it was more like a suite, with a huge bed, antique furniture, and all kinds of luxurious trappings. And all of it covered in glitter and shimmering lights. Everywhere I looked the details were all just that little bit off, subtly wrong. The angles between walls and floor didn’t add up, the ceiling seemed to recede in uncomfortable directions, and there was no obvious source for the painfully bright light. Objects seemed to change, slumping and transmuting when I wasn’t looking at them directly. The floor was solid beneath my feet, but it felt like I was standing over a precipice. Every sound in the room was dull and distant, as though I was underwater. I stood very still, concentrating on why I was there, because it felt as though I might alter and drift away if I lost my grip on who and what I was, even for a moment.

Turned a homeless man into a painting.

4) The street people fell back from him, crying out in shock and alarm and growing horror. The world was coming undone all around Madman. I grabbed Sinner by the arm. I couldn’t get my breath, and it seemed to me that at any moment I might fall upwards, sailing off into the night sky forever. Everywhere I looked, the details on everything were changing, in utterly arbitrary ways. One of the homeless grabbed at Madman, to make him stop the changes, only to shriek in terror as Madman looked at him, and changed him, till he looked like a modern art painting, all angles and dimensions and clashing perspectives. Parts of him were missing. Horribly, he was still alive. Madman looked upon his work, and his face showed nothing, nothing at all.

Bullets couldn't even get near him, and this is while he's not really paying attention to what's even happening around him.

5) The bullets couldn’t even find Madman. He just stood there, blinking owlishly, his mind on other things, while bullets ricocheted from the wall behind him.

Saw past Lilith's illusory disguise and claimed to have seen her before.

6) “I’m here for a reason,” said Lady Luck, still looking only at me.
“Yes,” Madman said abruptly. “You are. But you’re not Lady Luck. You’re not even a Transient Being.” We all looked at him. His face was white and strained, with blotchy patches of colour, but he seemed entirely rational. “I know you, Lady. I have Seen you before.”

Can also tell that Lilith walks around using an avatar, not to mention a pretty clear demonstration on what's bound to happen if his hold on reality weakens.

7) Madman peeked at her, past my shoulder, his voice shocked almost normal. “Lilith is just a projection into our limited reality of something much bigger. This female human body is just something Lilith wears to walk around in, like a glorified glove puppet. She’s really…” He stopped, hesitating. “She is really…” But he didn’t have the words. Perhaps there were no words, in our simple rational language. Whatever his mathematics had enabled him to See of her, in his brief glimpse of the Reality behind reality, he still couldn’t describe it to us. He started to shake and tremble, then to cry, and the bar and all the things and people in it began to shake along with him. It was as though an earthquake had hit the place. Tables and chairs danced and clattered on the juddering floor. The walls bowed in and out, the solid stone flexing unnaturally. Strange colours came and went, and sounds that made no sense. Distance became uncertain and unreliable, and things were both close and far away at the same time. Directions changed without warning. Madman’s hold on reality was weakening again, and reality around him weakened as well. Merlin’s great oak tree slammed back into the bar again, taking up the middle of the room; and then it was a tower built of stained and discoloured bones; and then it was gone again. Cracks crawled jaggedly across the floor, opening wide to show vast watching eyes. I could hear things scuttling across the outer walls of our perception. Things that wanted in.

Heals John's wounds, causes Walker's Voice to be silenced and was stalemating with a weakened Lilith in an effort to send her out of Strangefellows.

8) And then Madman, perhaps inspired by the revelations he’d witnessed, came strolling out from behind the bar, and everyone turned to look at him. He laughed suddenly, and it was a rich, sane sound.
“When reality becomes unbearable,” he said calmly,
“change reality.”
All his strength and power focussed through his will, and rushed out into the bar, enforcing his vision of reality on everything. All the remaining combat magicians cried out as their magics were stripped from them, leaving them defenceless. Walker staggered back, his Voice silenced. The knife in my back disappeared, along with the damage it had done. Madman turned his uncompromising gaze on Lilith, and she put up a hand as though to defend herself.
Not all of Madman’s power, even focussed through his new-found will, could undo Lilith; but it did diminish her. She wavered, uncertain for the first time. Her power clashed with his, as he strove to drive her away, and she struggled to remain. For a long moment the stalemate held; and then I used the last of my power to find the door through which she’d entered Strangefellows, and pushed her back through it.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
