Player Turk Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII OBD
Alvis (Rod) and Emma (Gun)

Name: Alvis (Rod)/Emma (Gun)
Origin: Final Fantasy VII
Gender: Male/Female
Classification: Human/Members of the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department (The Turks) of Shinra
Age: Unknown (appear to be in their early to mid 20s)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, skilled with short range melee weapon/skilled markswoman, expert unarmed combatant, summoning, potentially possesses the likes of elemental manipulation (of the fire, lightning, ice, water, wind, and earth variety), healing and regeneration (mid-low), poison manipulation (in the forms of Bio, Biora, and Bioga), barrier creation (in the form of Barrier), gravity manipulation (in the forms of gravity, gravira, and graviga), soul manipulation (in the form of Death), energy blasts (in the forms of Ultima), telekinesis (in the form of Comet and Cometeo)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: At least multi continent level+ (capable of defeating Ravens on a consistent basis [characters noted even before the Player Turks 3 year coma as being comparable to/stronger than SOLDIER 2nd Classes like Essai and Sebastian]) | Star system level (defeated Completed Zirconiade Materia fused Fuhito without usage of Limit Breaks and defeated Incomplete Zirconiade while half dead with a Limit Break.  Also contributed to the death of the Jade Weapon)
Range: Extended human melee range with Rod/Several hundred meters with Gun, much higher with magic attacks and Summons
Speed: FTL (capable of putting up a defensive effort against Elfé and is capable of repeatedly defeating Kyneugh the Raven [a character capable of moving while a bloodlusted Zack Fair is attacking]) | FTL+ (capable of keeping pace with Completed Zirconiade Materia fused Fuhito and Incomplete Zirconiade)
Durability: At least multi continent level+ (repeatedly demonstrates the ability to survive strikes from Ravens and Shears prior to their 3 year coma) | Star system level (survived various attacks from Incomplete Zirconiade and the resulting explosion of its death)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+
Striking Strength: Class NJ+ | Class XPJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Their suits, a Rod/Gun
Intelligence: Skilled combatants, fairly intelligent
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: An overview of the Player Turks's feats at the end of Before Crisis can be found organized here.  A catalog of all Before Crisis's feats can be found here.  The Player Turk, while not confirmed to canonically be any specific Turk, is notably depicted in the Reunion Files as both Alvis (Rod) and Emma (Gun).  From that, this profile makes the assumption the events of Before Crisis are largely attributed to either or sans Chapter 19 which was demonstrated to have been all Cissini per Crisis Core.

Key: Start of Before Crisis | End of Before Crisis