Dark Genie OBD
The Dark Genie

Name: Dark Genie/Black Demon
Origin: Dark Cloud
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon/Abstract of Hatred
Age: 400
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, acausality (exists in the past even before its birth and the Fairy King notes depleting Seda of his hate energy after defeating it only temporarily stopped the Dark Genie's rampage), dimensional manipulation, duplication (can create miniature copies of itself), elemental manipulation, energy blasts, flight and levitation, immortality, sealing, summoning, possession, reality warpingshapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, time manipulation
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Star level (the Moon People, beings that created legendary weapons such as the Supernova and Star Breaker, had to resort to sealing the Dark Genie away as opposed to being capable of killing it.  The pinnacle of Moon People technology, the Sun Giant, was incapable of withstanding the full power of the Dark Genie when utilized by an incompatible host like Flag.  Seda suggests that no weapon or man can stand to face the Dark Genie alone.  Within the setting of Dark Cloud, the power of regular genies is considered "endless".  While hyperbolic, the Dark Genie, being considered their superiors, is further afforded powerscaling to the likes of the Sun Sword.  Atlamillia, the most powerful magical artifact in the setting, was considered incapable of sealing the Dark Genie away 400 years after its birth)
Range: Planetary via powerscaling
Speed: Sub-relativistic (capable of reacting to and dodging the Sun Giant's flight and movements even as its Fake incarnation)
Durability: Star level (the Moon People, beings that created legendary weapons such as the Supernova and Star Breaker, had to resort to sealing the Dark Genie away as opposed to being capable of killing it)
Lifting Strength: Class M+ (superior to Master Utan and the Sun Giant)
Striking Strength: Class XGJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Skilled and and experienced combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Dark Genie OBD
The Dark Genie's Final Form
Dark Genie OBD
The Fake Dark Genie