Christophorus OBD
"Sing out the song of your life."

Name: Christophorus, Chris
Origin: Nights of Azure
Gender: Female
Classification: Pureblooded demon
Age: Exact age is unknown but she is at least several decades old, possibly hundreds of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, energy projection (can fire large energy beams with the musical instruments she has under her control), immortality (types 1, 3, and 5; Christophorus was killed by Arnice in the first game but she revived a short time after her death and was no worse for wear), teleportation, dimension travel, shapeshifting (demons can change forms "as easily as water"), soul manipulation (can absorb souls in order to strengthen herself), and summoning (can summon other demons/fiends to aid her in battle)
Weaknesses: She is rightfully afraid of the Nightlord. Other than that, none notable.
Destructive Capacity: At least large planet level+, possibly higher (she's stronger than demons that can change the moon's phases)
Range: Extended melee range with weapons
Speed: At least FTL+, possibly much faster (she's far stronger and faster than early game Aluche and David; is at least 388 times faster than light due to being faster than early game Liliana as well)
Durability: At least large planet level+, possibly higher (can take hits from Arnice; stronger and more durable than demons that can change the moon's phases)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+, exact limit unknown
Striking Strength: Class XKJ (can harm NoA1 Arnice and stronger than demons that can change the moon's phases)
Stamina: Very high. Can remain in combat for extended periods and has never been shown to tire.
Standard Equipment: Her mask and her conductor's baton
Intelligence: Highly knowledgeable on matters regarding the Blue Blood as she is part of demonkind
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: