I'm your ward, Incrediboy!


Name: Aldrich Killian
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Extremis enhanced human
Age: Unknown, likely around his 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, Regeneration (low-mid), Exothermic Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, master scientist, expert businessman, expert martial artist
Weaknesses: A bit overconfident
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level+ (could cut through, melt and rip apart Iron Man's suits. His Extremis soldiers were capable of damaging his suits as well)
Range: Human melee range, a few meters with his fire breath
Speed: Hypersonic+ (dodged Iron Man's repulsor blasts at nearly point-blank range)
Durability: Multi city block level+ (could take hits from Iron Man's suits)
Lifting Strength: Class 100
Striking Strength:
Class GJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: A handgun
Intelligence: Genius level intellect (created the Extremis serum and was a massive threat to the United States)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart