Name: Joachim Valentine, also known as "Grand Papillon", "Gold Bat", "Invisible", and "The Great Question"

Origin: Shadow Hearts

Gender: Male

Classification: Vampire Super Hero Professional Wrestler, Elder Brother of the Valentine Family/Darkness Clan

Age: Over 400 years old

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and endurance, enhanced senses, skilled in using large improvised weapons like a giant lumber wood, trained professional wrestler, immortality (type 1), invisibility (has a vague distortion), can transform into a gold bat which also grants flight, can heal himself by absorbing blood with either his fangs or at a distance with blood magic, can coat himself in red aura for a barrage charge attack, can summon wrestling poles from the ground, by wearing the Grand Papillon mask or Great Question mask boosts his stats massively, can create a pocket dimension with stars, immunity/resistant to earth element, most likely has all of his sister's Magic Arts, potentially possesses Crest Magic with abilities that consist of: elemental manipulation (of the fire, wind, lightning, water, ice, earth, plant, light, and darkness variety), can imbue elemental attributes, can imbue elemental immunity/resistance, healing (low-mid via powerscaling [Albert Simon can heal/regenerate his left eye at the beginning of SH1], in a form of Cure, Arc Cure, Cure All, and Cure Plus), resurrection (in a form of Raise Up, and Resurrection), can heal negative ailments, gravity manipulation (in a form of Gather), barrier creation/generate status buffs, and generate status debuffs

Weaknesses: Nothing notable (Vampires in Shadow Hearts are unaffected by traditional weaknesses such as sunlight, crosses, garlic, etc)

Destructive Capacity: Solar system level, likely much higher (can create a pocket dimension containing countless stars inside a Sushi Restaurant. He participated in defeating Neo Amon and Kato/Susanoo. Even his strongest weapon, Nautilus has the power to destroy the entire planet. His brother Keith can stalemate Death Emperor Yuri in his humanoid form.)

Range: Extended melee range, thousands of kilometers via magic

Speed: MFTL+ (can punt monsters into outer space that was calc in the billions c, is superior to his brother Keith who fought a being that can move at 200m c. Joachim even has a tiny vessel that he uses as a bludgeoning weapon that can travel through the stars)

Durability: Solar system level, likely much higher

Lifting Strength: Class 100+

Striking Strength: Class XPJ, likely much higher

Stamina: High

Standard Equipment: Nautilus (A timeless vessel that continues its journey through the sea of the stars. A gentleman's agreement prevents its powerful weapons from being used.)

Intelligence: Is trained in professional wrestling from the Great Gama. He is skilled in using massive weapons. Outside of wrestling, he enjoys himself as a comic book superhero with overblown speeches and grand gestures. He is sometimes naive and has a short attention span. Though by the time of From the New World was able to publish several magazines that feature his Grand Slam and Hildegard's Magic Arts, and open his own Sushi Restaurant. 

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Drain Touch: Using his innate vampiric abilities, Joachim is able to siphon off life from the enemy to himself.

- Grand Slam: Joachim bludgeons the opponent with his weapon and then knocks them out of the arena with a charged finisher. He has a chance of sending his opponent sky flying into outer space.

- Deathtron Hammer: Joachim temporarily discards his weapon and becomes enveloped in a reddish aura. He then charges into the enemy shoulder first, repeatedly barraging them.

- Artem Buster: Joachim leaps up and lands on a wrestling pole, amidst fanfare and wearing a wrestler's cape. He rips off the cape and performs a 450 degree Splash onto his opponent, cratering the arena and resulting in massive Earth damage.