Graf Herman Negima OBD
Herrman's human form

Name: Graf Wilhelm Josef Von Herrman
Origin: Negima
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Fighting and boxing skills, flight, shapeshifting, magic without incantations, telepathy, teleportation through water, barriers, energy blasts and petrification
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Building level through feats
Range: A few dozen meters, possibly higher (he was responsible for petrifying everyone in Negi's village)
Speed: Hypersonic via powerscaling (he's a high-level demon that fought while holding back)
Durability: Building level
Strength: Superhuman
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Nothing notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Veris Tempestas Florens: A hypnotic spell that makes targets lose consciousness on contact, often through the aroma of a flower

- Demon Fist: A magically-charged punch for melee combat or shooting a blast that can be spammed

- Demon Uppercut: An uppercut that shoots a ground-travelling blast wave

- Petrification Beam: A beam shot from his mouth that turns his opponents to stone, it’s of a high enough level that regular mages can’t reverse it (Konoka was stated as having the potential to eventually undo it)

Graf Herman Demon OBD
Herrman's demon form

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Not to be confused with the similarly - named character from Xenogears