The Flash, Bartholomew "Barry" Allen

Origin: DCTV
Gender: Male
Classification: Metahuman speedster, superhero, vigilante, forensic scientist
Age: Barry is in his late 20s to early 30s throughout the course of the show. 
Powers and Abilities:Super strength, speed, durability, time travel, inter-dimensional travel (via the Speed Force), intangibility, energy projection (Speed Force lightning), regeneration (mid-low), a-causality [Barry can enter the Negative Speedforce to avoid time travel-induced paradoxes.] 
Weaknesses: Extreme cold [Barry can negate this by running a Speed Force current through his body while he's intangible. This even allows him to pass safely through absolute zero.], hyperactive metabolism [Barry keeps 120k+ calorie (850 tacos) protein bars on hand to combat hypoglycemia.]
Destructive Capacity: Large star level+. The forces Barry exerted on himself while slowing time with Supergirl overcame the protection of his Speed Force aura. 
Speed: Lightspeed/FTLBarry has escaped the gravitational pull of a black hole. He also scales over the Martian Manhunter, who has traveled from Earth to the sun in approximately 2 minutes. Not to mention multiple relativistic feats that he achieves more casually/regularly (10-65% c). 
Durability: Large star level+, with his Speed Force aura. [Barry's aura shielded him from a miniature black hole].
Lifting Strength: At least peak human+, almost certainly higher.  
Striking Strength: At least Class XTJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Barry is a gifted forensic scientist with excellent deductive reasoning skills and a solid grasp on multiple fields of practical science, especially Newtonian and quantum physics. He can process and store literal volumes of information in his short-term memory almost instantly. Any information gained this way fades quickly if Barry doesn't refresh his memory periodically. 

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Phasing: Barry vibrates his body at the same frequency of a given object, allowing him to pass through solid matter.

 Duh nu nu nu...can't touch this.


- Lightning Toss: Barry runs in a circle around his target, generating ambient Speed Force lightning. Once he's built up enough lightning, he comes to halt, and hurls the excess energy at his enemy.

 You've been.....THUNDERSTRUCK!!!


- Supersonic Punch: Barry backs up, giving himself enough time to reach his max velocity, and then delivers a powerful running strike.


- Speed Mirage: Barry moves so fast across a short distance that it leaves a temporary mirage of himself where he started. He can do this consecutively to create the appearance of their being several of him at once.

 Master Roshi would be proud.


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Thor (MCU) - Thor (MCU) Profile (outdated)
