Schierke with her scowl


Name: Schierke
Origin: Berserk
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Witch
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities:  Magic manipulation (with her magic Schierke has shown the ability to hypnotize or temporarily desensitize others, summon special higher spirits that allow her to manipulate elements; water, fire, rot etc, stop body movement, create special barriers that keep evil out but allow good in, and create magical familiars) her ability to sense and manipulate "Od" (life force or spirit energy) means she can sense the power, intent, and alignment of all creatures and artifacts and divert the attention of people
Weaknesses: When she is summoning higher spirits she enters a trance meaning her body is in a vulnerable state if unguarded
Destructive Capacity: Varies; building level to multi city block level (vaporized a large water construct)
Range: Several dozen meters
Speed: Average human
Durability: Peak human
Lifting Strength: Average human
Striking Strength: Average human, doesn't focus on physical strength but more on her magic abilities
Stamina: Average human
Standard Equipment: Her staff, special strings that enable telepathy, her elf Evarella
Intelligence: Very intelligent, prescience and limited knowledge of the future
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
