Cassim calls the shots


Name: Cassim
Origin: Magi - Labyrinth of Magic
Gender: Male
Classification: Fog Troupe Ringleader
Age: 18
Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical stats, excellent gift of gab (can convince people to work under him by appealing to their sensitivities,  Alibaba included), good strategist, can channel his magoi into a dark metal vessel (his has control over gravity), can sacrifice his life to become a Black Djinn (in this form, he has super strength, speed, durability, regeneration, the ability to fire powerful gravity blasts, push and pull via magnetic repulsion/attraction, and create a dense sword by attracting many particles of matter together)
Weaknesses: Becomes somewhat mindless after becoming a Black Djinn, and transforming into one requires him to kill himself
Destructive Capacity: Wall level+ | Building level+
Range: Extended human melee range, higher with black gravity fog | Several dozen meters
Speed: Peak human | Superhuman to an unknown degree
Durability: Peak human | Building level+
Lifting Strength: Peak human | Class 1
Striking Strength: Class H | Class MJ
Stamina: Reasonably high by human standards | Effectively limitless as long as he feeds off of Black Rukh
Standard Equipment: A black metal vessel
Intelligence: High, can effectively command a group of rebels, is a good strategist, and knows a lot about the politics of Balbadd
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Black Djinn: At the cost of his life Cassim can stab himself with his Dark Metal Vessel to turn into a Black Djinn. After stabbing himself, he lets the blood pour out while the Dark Household Vessels and Black Rukh form around him to embody this huge Black Djinn. In this form he is able to heal indefinitely as long as there is Black Rukh. As long as Black Rukh is present he can become infinitely powerful. In his Black Djinn form Cassim is able to perform multiple variations of gravity magic

- Kokubaku Mutou (Sword of the Black Binding Fog): A Dark Metal Vessel in the shape of an arm blade, with which Cassim uses to channel his attacks.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Key: Human form | Black Djinn