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- Written by: GoldenHeart
- Category: Character Profiles
- Hits: 2555

Name: James Howlett, Logan, Wolverine
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Over 50 years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Enhanced Senses (can hunt people by smell) Regeneration (Low, quickly heals from most normal wounds), Longevity, resistance to certain diseases, has retractable Adamantium claws and an Adamantium skeleton
Weaknesses: Is generally a troubled man prone to rage, his skeleton can be affected by electromagnetic based attacks, anti-mutant collars can shut down his powers via radiation
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (can damage Sentinels and other beings capable of taking Storm's normal attacks) likely higher via his Adamantium claws (was the only one capable of getting through the barrier from the Spirit Eater's spaceship)
Range: Human melee range, extended melee range via claws
Speed: Superhuman with relativistic reactions/attack speed (comparable to Cyclops and Storm, who could dodge Magneto's EM waves. managed to surprise Magneto with a backstab)
Durability: City level+ (likely one of the most durable X-Men due to his skeleton)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (his peer Sabertooth could fling a police car into the horizon)
Striking Strength: Class PJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: The X-Men suit, his adamantium claws
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with his Earth-616 counterpart
- Details
- Written by: GoldenHeart
- Category: Character Profiles
- Hits: 2484

Name: Falling Devil
Origin: Chainsaw Man
Gender: Inapplicable, has appeared as female
Classification: Primal Fear Devil
Age: As old as humanity's fear of "falling"
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Gravity Manipulation, Levitation, Telekinesis, Energy Blasts, Mind Manipulation, Regeneration (high-mid) Resurrection, Inmortality (types 1, 3 and 5) [Devils who are "killed" in the Human World merely return to Hell and viceversa] BFR (can create portals to Hell) can grow stronger the more people fear her, can bestow people power via Contracts, resistance to Transmutation (Devils can resist the effects of the Doll Devil, which turns anything it touches into a mindless doll)
Weaknesses: Devils can grow weaker if people stop fearing them and/or the concept they're based on
Destructive Capacity: Multi-city block level+ (can casually chuck out apartment buildings, much stronger than the Gun Devil) possibly much higher (altered earth's gravity, causing earthquakes and landslides around the world and dealing extensive damage to countries)
Range: Planetary
Speed: Massively hypersonic+
Durability: Multi-city block level+
Lifting Strength: Class K
Striking Strength: Class GJ+
Stamina: Nigh-unlimited (can theorically fight indefinitely provided there's enough blood to consume)
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: High (has existed for thousands of years)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Devil Powers
- Nigh-Absolute Immortality: Devils of Primal Fear status are considered unkillable due to their power, hence why they never undergo reincarnation.[5] The Falling Devil affirmed that, at present, humanity has no means of attack that could kill a Primal Fear.[3]
- Immense Healing Factor: True to her claim of being unkillable, the Falling Devil can heal from any damage done to her no matter how severe. The regeneration seems automatic with no stamina cost (requiring no blood) and is so quick as to be barely visible. In one instance she was shown being reduced to a gory pile of flesh by sustained gunfire, yet in the next moment appeared fully healed, standing upright with her clothes intact.[6] Even when shredded to pieces and eaten by Denji in his Chainsaw Man form, it took her one second to reconstitute herself, doing so from within Denji's body with such force that the boy was ripped apart.[7]
- Hell Connection: The Falling Devil can freely manifest multiple doors that connect directly to Hell. This allows her to send certain individuals to Hell as well as travel freely between the two realms herself.

Falling Devil destroys multiple city blocks.
- Gravity Manipulation: The Falling Devil can selectively manipulate gravity on herself, the environment or individual people. This power is so significant that her presence could be detected around the world as a result of gravitational anomalies causing earthquakes and landslides. The strength and direction of the manipulated gravity can be changed by simply pointing her finger in that direction.[8] This ability includes:
- Traumatic Anti-Gravity: The Falling Devil possesses an ability that allows her to invert gravity on people, causing them to fall up into the sky. The force of reversed gravity is related to a person’s past and trauma, with those who have suffered little to no trauma being barely affected. Upon reaching a certain height, the person falls into a door to Hell.
- Levitation: The Falling Devil can use the gravity manipulation ability on herself to freely move in any direction and at high speeds. She can also suspend herself in the air and keep herself stationary.
- Area Denial: The Falling Devil can fully reverse gravity in its immediate vicinity, completely destroying the area.[9] She later used this ability again to force Asa out of her hiding spot.
- Targeted Control: The Falling Devil can also focus her power on a singular object and manipulate its gravity to her will. She used this ability to lift up and entire apartment building high into the air and then launch it towards the fleeing Denji and Asa.
- Energy Beam: With a pointing gesture the Falling Devil can summon a powerful beam of energy. She used this ability to instantly kill the Justice Devil.
- Thought Manipulation: Falling Devil can force its victims to relive traumatic memories in their minds. This ability complements her gravity manipulation which is tied to a victim's past trauma. However, this power can be resisted if the victim's brain is damaged, as Denji stopped falling after slicing his brain up.[10]
- Emotion Manipulation: As shown when Asa began becoming affected by its power, the Falling Devil possess the power to draw out and magnify the negative feelings of her victims, causing them to become more inclined to her manipulating their thoughts such as making people commit suicide.
- Body Control: Aside from controlling her own vessel made out of human corpses, she appears to be able to force humans to move against their will, as seen by her forcing a Devil Hunter to sit in an unnaturally contorted position.[11]
- Object Creation: The Falling Devil is able to summon/create various objects at will such as her chef's uniform and various restaurant-related utilities.
Physical Prowess
- Immense Strength: Kicks from the Falling Devil can send Denji flying into buildings with enough force to demolish them.[12] Her scythelike limbs are sharp enough to cleanly decapitate humans. Notably, she stopped a dashing Chainsaw Man with a single finger.[13]
- Immense Speed: The Falling Devil is able to move around very quickly, beheading someone in mid-air and was also precise enough to pluck multiple eyes and ears from passersby without further injuring them.[14]
Notable OBD Victories:
Jujutsu Kaisen-verse - Fiction Profile - Jujutsu Kaisen
Notable OBD Losses:
Gilgamesh (Nasuverse) - Character Profile - Gilgamesh
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- Written by: GoldenHeart
- Category: Character Profiles
- Hits: 2623

Name: Ororo Munroe, Storm
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Female
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Likely in her 30s
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Weather Manipulation (can conjure storms, tornadoes, snow, etc) Electricity Manipulation (can conjure it from her body or cloud to ground lightning) Wind Manipulation, Flight
Weaknesses: Has claustrophobia, anger could cause her to lose control over her powers, getting in touch with an entire planet takes some time
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (can casually create thunderstorms) multi-continent level at max power (fixed the weather of an entire planet, created a tornado comparable in size to Asteroid M; which was stated to be several cubic miles long and was routinely compared to the asteroid that extinguished the dinosaurs)
Range: Human melee range, several dozen km to planetary+ with her powers (could feel the magnetic field of the earth, can create storms over entire mountains, fixed the weather of a planet and it's rings)
Speed: Hypersonic+ with relativistic reactions/attack speed (dodged an electromagnetic wave from Magneto. Flew over a mountain in seconds. Could follow some nuclear missiles around. Intercepted a laser to save Magneto) possibly higher (Rogue could fly from the X-Men's ship to the moon in seconds)
Durability: City level+
Lifting Strength: Class 5, Class K with her powers
Striking Strength: Class PJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: The X-Men suit
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with her Earth-616 counterpart
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- Written by: GoldenHeart
- Category: Character Profiles
- Hits: 2703

Name: Scott Summers, Cyclops
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Likely around his 20s-early 30s
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Energy Blasts (can fire concussive beams from his eyes), expert martial artist, expert leader
Weaknesses: Cannot turn his optic blasts off so he needs ruby quartz glasses to control them. Anti-mutant collars can shut down his powers via radiation
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (easily comparable to a regular Storm, who can casually create thunderclouds. Can routinely destroy Sentinels capable of taking her attacks) likely higher (blew through several thick clouds with a max power blast, leaving a big crater on the ground in the process)
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with his optic blasts
Speed: Relativistic (capable of dodging Magneto's electromagnetic waves. Can propel himself with his own optic blasts and maneuver with them)
Durability: City level+ (tanked a concentrated blast from several villains including Mr. Sinister for several seconds while in the Danger Room)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (comparable to Sabertooth, who can throw police cars into the horizon)
Striking Strength: Class PJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: His X-Men suit, his visor
Intelligence: Above average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Optic Blasts: Cyclops' mutation allows him to fire beams of pure kinetic energy from his eyes. He is also immune to the energy his eyes emit.
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with his Earth-616 counterpart
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- Written by: GoldenHeart
- Category: Character Profiles
- Hits: 3630

Name: En Sabah Nur, Apocalypse, The Invincible One
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Millenia old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Energy Blasts, Inmortality (type 1), Teleportation, Matter Manipulation (can change his own shape and size) Time Manipulation (can travel through time with Cable's computer)
Weaknesses: Allegedly has a weakness on his back, anti-mutant collars can nullify his powers via radiation, his psychics can be freed, reversing the damage he causes to the timelines with them
Destructive Capacity: At least multi-continent level+, likely higher (easily comparable to Magneto) at least universe level, likely multiverse level with prep (was threatening to destroy the universe and shape it to his will by using the energy of the strongest telepaths in it. Destroyed multiple points in time with them, which could be interpreted to be timelines)
Range: Extended melee range up to dozens of meters by himself (grew to tower over a building) universal, possibly multiversal with prep
Speed: Relativistic (matched Magneto's electromagnetic waves)
Durability: At least multi-continent level+, likely higher
Lifting Strength: Class T
Striking Strength: Class YJ
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Cable's computer
Intelligence: High (has lived for several millenia, concocting multiple master plans and ruling over the world on several futures)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with his Earth-616 counterpart