Destroyer Robot Demonbane OBD
The stormtroppers of the Demonbane verse.

Name: Destroyer Robot | Zombio
Serial Number: Unknown
Pilot: N/A (unmanned weapon) | Doctor West and Elsa
Origin: Demonbane
Powered By: Unknown (magic reactors, most likely)
Destructive Capacity: Large building level+, much higher by using magic | Large building level, much higher by using magic, likely at least city block level with magic bombs | City block level+l (a single beam blew several other Destroyer Robots to pieces)
Range: At least several hundred meters
Performance: At least 100km/h (faster than modern tanks), its attack speed is likely faster than the eye | Supersonic+ (faster than modern jet fighters), likely hypersonic+ reactions via powerscaling (able to put up a fight against Metatron) | Hypersonic+ (was designed to match Elsa's speed)
Terrain: Ground, air and water
Durability: At large building level+ (missiles, modern artillery and anti-tank weapons were useless against it) | Large building level | At least large building level+
Material: Unknown (some kind of metal alloy)
Lifting Strength: Class K (it's roughly a size smaller than Demonbane which is 50 meters high)
Striking Strength: Class KJ
Notable Features: Super strength, durability, energy beams, high range radar and sensory equipment, the AI of each Destroyer Robot are linked together thus sharing senses and processing ability, magic, can enhance their weapons with magic | Same with the addition of flight and super speed | Same as the flying type but more powerful
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Basic knowledge of controlling mecha
Variations: Ground type, Flying type, Zombio

  • Missiles
  • Vulcan guns
  • Energy beams
  • Bombs (for flying types, both regular and bunker buster variety)
  • Magic Eye (allows the machine to cast spells or otherwise enhance its attacks with magic)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Binding Spell: Activating their magic eye, the Destroyer Robots are able to cast a spell to trap their enemy within a field, preventing them to dodge or to escape the robots combined barrage.


Key: Ground Type | Flying Type | Zombio