Discount Jason Todd. Complete with a red hood.


Name: Roy Harper, Arsenal
Origin: Arrow, DCTV
Gender: Male
Classification: Human vigilante | Enhanced human vigilante  
Age: Late 20s to early 30s 
Powers and Abilities: Peak human strength, speed, and endurance, advanced CQC and Archery training from the Green Arrow | Super strength, durability, and endurance
Weaknesses: None notable | Mirakuru quickly degrades a user's psyche, turning them extremely aggressive, paranoid, and vindictive. It also leaves a user prone to violent outbursts and even vivid hallucinations. Roy's worst episodes lead him to murder two cops.  
Destructive Capacity: Street level, wall level via explosives | Wall level+. While under the effects of Mirakuru, Roy has punched through concrete and even a blastproof shipping container; one strong enough to resist his and Oliver's explosive arrows. 
Range: Several meters with a bow, knives (thrown), or flechettes. Extended melee with a bow (when used as an improvised staff), knives, or eskrima sticks.    
Speed: Peak human, with massively hypersonic reactions | At least peak human+, massively hypersonic reactions
Durability: Wall level+ | At least wall level+
Lifting Strength: Peak human | Superhuman, based on his striking feats. 
Striking Strength: Class H | Class KJ
Stamina: Peak human | At least peak human, likely higher. 
Standard Equipment: Custom bow, quiver, eskrima sticks, throwing knives, flechette, com device, motorcycle, and various trick arrows (see Green Arrow profile)
Intelligence: Average. Roy has shown some mechanical skills, and has a lot of "street smarts".

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
