Point of No Return

The love child of Sayaka and Homura


Name: Kamen Rider Ryugen (Yomi), Mitsuzane "Micchy" Kureshima, New Generation Rider Zangetsu-Shin
Origin: Kamen Rider Gaim
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Beat/Armored Rider
Age: 16 at the start of the series, 17 at the end
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, endurance, dexterity, can leap over several meters into the air casually, can fire bullet-like projectiles from the Budou Ryuhou, can change forms for different powers and weapons, can summon and control Inves from another dimension (via Lockseeds), skilled user of several weapons, can travel between dimensions with Rose Attacker, can unleash blades of energy with Kiwi Arms | Increased overall stats, can fire arrows that track enemies after being fired, can shoot a rain of arrows over a certain area | All abilities of Grape and Kiwi Arms (albeit stronger), can create and use weapons used by the Overlords (Redyue's halberd, Demushu's sword, etc), can channel energy into his weapons
Weaknesses: Overconfident, Melon Energy Arms cannot be used with his Sengoku Driver, Yomotsuheguri Arms drains his life force as long as he uses it. Sometimes lets his temper get the best of him.
Destructive Capacity: At least building level+, likely higher | City block level | At least multi city block level+, likely higher (comparable to Kiwami Arms Gaim and Lord Baron, was able to stab through Gaim Kiwami Arms' armor)
Range: Several dozen meters
Speed: Superhuman+ movement speed, supersonic+ reactions (fodder Inves are capable of reacting to his and Gaim's projectiles) | At least superhuman+ movement speed, hypersonic reactions | At least superhuman+ movement speed, hypersonic+ reactions (faster than Kiwami Arms Gaim)
Durability: At least building level+, likely higher | City block level | At least multi city block level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+ | At least Class 1+ | At least Class 5+
Striking Strength:
Class MJ+ | At least Class GJ | Class TJ+
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Lockvehicle, various lockseeds, Sengoku Driver/Genesis Driver
Intelligence: Very cunning and snide. Capable of manipulating others and events with quick and precise skills, capable of matching Gaim and Baron's techniques in battle. Becomes less intelligent as he loses his temper, though.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 


Key: Grape and Kiwi Arms | Zangetsu-Shin/Melon Energy Arms | Yomotsuheguri Arms