This is a thing
This is a thing

Name: Black Sperm
Origin: OnePunch-Man
Gender: Male
Classification: Mysterious Being
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, skilled brawler, regeneration (low-high), shapeshifting (capable of enlarging body parts or his body in general.  Also capable of transforming into vastly more powerful forms via merging his cells together permanently), able to split off and merge together around 11.5 trillion cells of himself
Weaknesses: Nothing notable | Unable to split off cells of himself after merging | Unable to split off cells of himself after merging
Destructive Capacity: At least city level+ (as a Disaster level Dragon, Black Sperm is stronger than Genos at the beginning of the series) | Possibly country level (as a fusion of over 1 trillion cells, it is likely Multi-Cell Sperm possesses a decent fraction of the 10 trillion celled Golden Sperm's power)  | Continent level (able to violently exchange strikes with Monster Garou for a brief period of time before being killed)
Range: Average human melee range normally, several meters with shapeshifting
Speed: Hypersonic+ (comparable to Atomic Samurai and Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask) | Possibly massively hypersonic+ (does react to his decapitation almost immediately after it occurred via Tatsumaki's telekinetically thrown rock) | Massively hypersonic+, likely sub-relativistic (able to briefly keep pace with Monster Garou before being killed)
Durability: At least city level+ (superior to Sea King as a Disaster level Dragon threatAlso endured Tatsumaki's telekinesis as she ripped the Monster Association Hideout out of the ground no worse for the wear), regeneration makes him extremely difficult to kill (all 11.5 trillion of his copies need to die before he does, attacks from Atomic Samurai and Bang only serve to divide the cells, not kill them) Possibly country level (as a fusion of over 1 trillion cells, it is likely Multi-Cell Sperm possesses a decent fraction of the 10 trillion celled Golden Sperm's power)Continent level (able to survive several strikes from Monster Garou before being killed)
Lifting Strength: Class 100+ (able to catch and lift boulders this size thrown by Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask) | Possibly Class G | Class G+
Striking Strength: 
Class PJ+ (tore off one of Genos' arms) | Possibly Class ZJ | Class YJ (able to violently exchange strikes with Monster Garou for a brief period of time before being killed)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Skilled and experienced combatant.  Smart enough to plan ahead in combat and pragmatic enough to think of taking a hostage
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Multi-Cell Sperm
Multi-Cell Sperm
Golden Sperm
Golden Sperm

Key: Black Sperm | Multi-Cell Sperm | Golden Sperm