Name: Tokoyami-no-Sumeragi/Yami
Origin: Okami
Gender: Unknown, although it is called the "Emperor of Darkness" by other characters
Classification: dark emperor
Age: At least 200+ years old, possibly older (was onboard the Ark of Yamato when it crashed on Nippon, thus kickstarting the entire story)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, immortality (type 1), elemental manipulation (stole Ammy's powers and so can use them against her), energy projection, able to cause a total solar eclipse in order to strengthen itself and the demons it controls (although Yami can only do this once a century), can change forms, energy absorption (stole Ammy's powers), and some resistance to time manipulation
Weaknesses: Weaknesses varies depending on the form but Amaterasu's Celestial Brush can short-circuit the mechanical orb that Yami is controlling
Destructive Capacity: Multi galaxy level+ (fought against a full power Amaterasu, stronger than Akuro who created a dimension full of galaxies with 1/5th of Yami's power in Okamiden)
Range: At least several meters with physical attacks; several light-years with ranged attacks
Speed: MFTL+ (can keep up with Amaterasu and react to some of her Celestial Brush techniques)
Durability: Multi galaxy level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+, exact level unknown
Striking Strength: At least Class XPJ+ (can hurt Amaterasu with physical blows)
Stamina: Very high, possibly inexhaustible considering Yami is controlling a mechanical orb.
Standard Equipment: Mechanical orb that can change forms in order to adapt to Amaterasu's Brush techniques.
Intelligence: Is shown to be pragmatic and devious when it comes to fighting (stole Ammy's powers before their fight and later ambushed Amaterasu while she was in the middle of her victory howl in order to destroy all of the Brush gods' constellations and cause a total blackout).
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable OBD Victories:

- Demise (Legend of Zelda)
- Super Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Lightning and Bhunivelze (Final Fantasy XIII) (Was allied with Amaterasu)

Notable OBD Losses:

- Percy Jackson verse
