Typhon Saint Seiya


Name: Typhon, "The Ultimate Living Weapon"
Origin: Saint Seiya Episode G
Gender: Male
Classification: God of the Gigas/Giants
Age: Unknown, hundreds or thousands of years at least
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, immortality (types 1 and 4), can attack as a spirit (being weaker), can passively generate winds with his body
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least multiverse level via powerscaling (he made all the Olympian Gods flee to Earth and hide, only Zeus could beat him)
Range: Larger than a planetary diameter
Speed: Probably massively FTL+
Durability: At least multiverse level
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength:  Multiverse Class
Stamina: Limitless
Standard Equipment: Nothing
Intelligence: Unknown
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Electric Flame: Each of the 100 snake hairs on his head can breath lightning laced with fire.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

- Unicron (Transformers) - Unicron Profile

Other: There are many fictional versions of Typhon. This profile only covers the one from Saint Seiya as seen in Episode G.