
Name: Imogen
Origin: DCTV
Gender: Female.
Classification: Fallen | Angel
Age: Unknown. Potentially as old as creation
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, super agility, healing, immortality (type 1), resurrection, flight | pyrokenisispossession, time manipulationteleportation
Weaknesses: Susceptible to some forms of magic, prolonged possession will cause her to lose her angelic powers
Destructive Capacity: Unknown
Range: Melee | Several feet with pyrokenisis 
Speed: Unknown | Unknown, primarily travels via teleportation
Durability: Unknown, killed by another angel | Unknown, only an angel has been able to mortally wound another angel.  
Lifting Strength: Unknown, she was able to overpower and immobilize a person with one hand | Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown | At least class KJ, via powerscaling
Stamina: Rarely, if ever, tires in his angel form
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Nothing notable | Has access to "vast stores of knowledge" through her connection to the Heavenly Host.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Key: Fallen | Angel