Name: Zepia Eltnam Oberon, Wallachia, TATARI
Origin: Melty Blood
Gender: Male
Classification: Vampire, Former alchemist of Atlas, 13th Dead Apostle Ancestor| Embodiment of various rumors and fears, Living Phenomenon
Age: unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeed and durability, flightimmortality (Type 1,3,4,6 and 7), regeneration (akin to reversing time), non-corporeal, being a phenomenon of fearmagicshapeshiftingshadow/darkness manipulationprecognitionreality warping, can materialize the fears and nightmares of others, able to randomly empower people, shapeshifting, can drain an entire city of their blood
Weaknesses: Arrogant and insane. The appearance of the Crimson Moon (the Moon from 1000 years of the future) would seal away his powers related to the TATARI. Requires a strong concentration of fears and rumors in the area to even surface.
Destructive Capacity: Large building level+ | Varies (can assume the form of anyone's fears, once became a mountain-sized divine beast)
Range: Dozens of meters | Varies (depends on the scale of his domain, usually city level)
Speed: Supersonic+ | Varies (depends on his present form), somehow omnipresent at his domain
Durability: Building level | Varies (depending on the form he takes on, being a non-corporeal abstract makes him almost impossible to kill) 
Strength: Superhuman | Varies (depending on his form)
Stamina: Superhuman | Nigh-infinite
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Extremely high. Was once a genius mage and alchemist who became a Dead Apostole by his own research. Good schemer and ready to abuse the psychological weaknesses of his opponents.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Night of Wallachia: The nature of his being resides in his Reality Marble, the Night of Wallachia, which allows the materialization of fears into physical entities. In order to manifest himself, Wallachia requires that a certain condition be met: The community in which he should appear must be circulating an increased amount of malignant information, such as urban tales, fright stories, unfounded assumptions and all manner of rapidly spreading but ultimately void rumors.

- Night of the Blood Liar: This information is what Wallachia uses as the conduit for his power, and is even capable of condensing it onto the Night on the Blood Liar, a rapidly swirling torrent of virtual information of such magnitude that is even capable of having an effect on the physical world by sucking blood in quantities as massive as entire cities. Because he is indeed nothing but a materialized rumor, complete destruction of his being is impossible, as no matter how many times the material forms are obliterated, the reoccurring phenomenon will ensure his reappearance. Furthermore, the behavior of each appearance is subject to that of the model created by the circulating information, yet no matter what this becomes, its personality will invariably be twisted into that of the bloodthirsty Dead Apostle.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Dead Apostole form | TATARI form