I am the bird of the underworld. The Dust of Osiris. The giant of Atlas, preserving mankind perfectly.

Name: Dust of Osiris, Sion Eltnam Atlasia
Origin: Melty Blood
Gender: Female
Classification: Former Dead Apostle, Thirteenth Dead Apostle Ancestor
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super speedstrength, durability and intelligence, precognition, can read minds, download memories, hack the consciousness, produce illusions or just communicate through her information threads, can break people down into Magic Circuits, hypnosis via Unified Language, can create a time loop.
Weaknesses: None noted
Destructive Capacity: Unknown, likely at least large building level+ via powerscaling (does not overtly focus on destruction)
Range: At least several Meters with Etherlite
Speed: Likely Hypersonic+ via powerscaling
Durability: Superhuman, possibly higher
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Superhuman
Stamina: Presumably high
Standard Equipment: Etherlite, Hermes
Intelligence: Super genius. Was able to cure vampirism which was thought to be impossible. Is able to predict attacks via calculations
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
