Toal Fact
It looks like Sparda got around.


Name: Toal Fact, The Claw
Origin: Ys
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon (after accepting the demonic essence of the Black Pearl), Holy Knight of Ys
Age: Unknown, but most likely in his late twenties
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, resistance against a wide variety of magic (transmutation, time stop), resistance against reality warping, can survive in the vacuum of outer space, energy projection, regeneration (Low-Godly), and immortality (Type 3 and Type 4)
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Universal, he is more powerful than Dalles
Range: Human melee range, extended by his claws
Speed: Massively FTL
Durability: Universal, he is able to survive attacks from Cain Fact who effortlessly destroyed Dalles
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, likely Class Universal
Striking Strength: 
Class Universal
Stamina: Superhuman, and is able to compete with the likes of Darm
Standard Equipment: His armor, and his claws
Intelligence: As a Holy Knight of Ys he recieved a rigorous education covering many subjects, and under the tutelage of his father he learned about magic. However, unlike Hugo Fact and Cain Fact he hasn't invested himself in the arcane instead relying on his training as a Holy Knight of Ys.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile covers what Toal Fact is capable of after becoming a demon.