The Hungry Wolf
Name: Terry Bogard
Origin: The King of Fighters/Fatal Fury
Gender: Male
Classification: Human martial artist
Age: At least 24, likely 34 based on Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, expert martial artist, chi manipulation (energy blasts, enhance his HtH attacks and sense the presence of nearby life, gather energy from the planet), highly acrobatic
Weaknesses: Can be somewhat merciful to his foes
Destructive Capacity: Small city level+ (on par with Geese)
Range: Human melee range, at least several hundred meters with projectiles
Speed: Massively hypersonic (on par with Geese)
Durability: Small city level+ (on par with Geese)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (comparable to characters who easily toss heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: Class PJ (on par with Geese)
Stamina: Very high (is tenacriously resistant to injury from powerhouses such as Geese and Wolfgang Krauser, allowing him to continue fighting almost undrained)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Gifted; an all-around martial arts expert that has incorporated various fighting styles and athletic talents he acquired over the span of his life experience to invent his own custom mixed martial art style and has mastered his power over chi, being quite adaptive when it comes to facing other martial art styles including many he's never dealt with before to an extent.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Power Wave: Terry punches the ground to unleash a ground-hugging chi wave projectile.
- Burn Knuckle: Terry lunges at his opponent with a chi-infused fist stretched out forward.
- Rising Tackle: Terry's anti-air attack where he rises skyward with a drill kick.
- Crack Shoot: Terry performs a forward somersault axe kick with his chi-infused leg.
- Power Geyser: Punching the ground, Terry unleashes an explosive eruption of chi from beneath.
- Buster Wolf: Reeling his arm back, Terry throws a big straight punch while holding his wrist to unleash an explosive punch infused with chi.
- Trinity Geyser: Punches the ground with both hands, unleashing three massive eruptions of chi ahead of himself.
- Star Dunk Volcano: Terry turns his hats back, launches into his opponent with a brutal flying knee strike the gut, which launches the opponents in the air, Terry then catches the opponent with a Power Dunk In which a Star appears out of his back upon descending, and creates a huge geyser upon impact which surges through the opponent, which launches them airborne as a result.
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses: