
Another son of Mercurius, if I didn't knew him any better I would say "Keep it in the pants"


Name: True name is absent, he's referred to as: Methuselah, Ludwig von Rosencrantz (name of human he hijacked), Darkness, "King of Darkness", "Child of the Night", "Father of the Dark", "Lui"
Origin: Dies irae ~Interview with Kaziklu Bey~
Gender: N/A, but appears male most of the time
Classification: Ancient God, mystery of darkness, vampire (one of his "facets"), stalker
Age: Unknown (almost as old as Mercurius himself)
Powers and Abilities: Darkness manipulation, soulfuck and mindfuck, shapeshifting, flight, possession, immortality (types 1 and 4), non-corporeal, time manipulation, BFR (can trap someone in his darkness), necromancy, miraculous willpower (he literally kept his body from being erased from existence with just his tenacity)
Weaknesses: Claudia (though it's more plot-related weakness), nothing notable otherwise
Destructive Capacity: At least continent level+, possibly planet level (he can conceptually crush entire planet just with his movement)
Range: Planetary (all darkness of the world belongs to him, including nightzones)
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ via powerscaling (although he doesn't move much, as darkness is him he doesn't have need for that)
Durability: Planet level+ (one mystery of the night requires destruction equivalent to half of the planet, Methuselah piled up nights from the beginning of Mercurius' reign, including all time loops; he could even survive attack from Longinus, although he lost all his mystery)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Superhuman
Stamina: Nigh-infinite (he's the only Ancient God who survived shift in the world's image and kept his form after Reinhard's Longinus destroyed entire mystery dwelling in his body - all with just his willpower)
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: As a concept of darkness he was present since the beginning of the world, his body constitues of uncountable number of thoughts and ideas of mankind, defininig him for centuries, knows dark side of human's heart, thus souls, more than anyone
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- Darkness: Methuselah personifies darkness itself. He's an Ancient God existing since the beginning of the world with idenity granted to him by thoughts of mankind. Darkness is just darkness, it's a concept, neither good nor evil, but over a long course of history, humanity defined him in the way he detests, as epitome of fear. Mystery constituing his body is unmatched among all Ancient Gods, being the closest to the nature of Mercurius, he desperately clings to life, continuing to exist even after all mysteries expired.

  • Body of Darkness: human form of Methuselah is but an avatar. His true body is all darkness of the world. Countless nights in the past and future, darkness under artifical lighting, inside the caves and naturally, in the shadows of men; all of these make up his body. While seemingly detached, they share link through his mystery. However, he can seperate them too. Just one night requires destruction of half of the world and Methuselah's body is made of every night since the beginning of the world, with its density increased by countless time loops of Mercurius' Atziluth. Nautrally, attacking his avatar won't do anything, as it will just disperse and reform in a mere moment. To completely destroy Methuselah, all this history must be surpassed at the same time. In that case, mystery of darkness will disappear and will return to a natural phenomenon. Eventually to destroy his body at once with powerful conceptual abilities. However, as this will destroy not only mystery, but darkness itself, world order will collapse, putting at risk entire planet.

    • Collective idea: because Briah works by colliding with common sense of others and denying it, its power drops with the number and quality of people. That's why almost all Briah are ineffective against Methuselah, as his existence is made of countless long-standing definitions of darkness, thoughts and ideas of humanity across uncountable number of years.



  • Mask of Darkness: since Methuselah is darkness itself, he doesn't have any defined form. Encompassing long-lasting interpretations of humanity about nature of darkness, he can take any form related to attribute of darkness. Mimicry of countless masks and ever-changing darkness. Posing as a vampire, or Nachzehrer, or zombie, or spewing inferior creatures. However, he can not turn into any of these facets completely as it's a very hallow experience for him, thus he no longer knows what kind of "clothes" he should wear.

    • Phantasmagoria of Katyn: used by mimicking vampire. During rain at the full moon, Methuselah can infuse corpses with magic and forcefully move them. They're slow and mindless, but there's close to 10,000 of them and in group they can pose a threat even to Apostles of LDO. They don't have any souls, so Holy Relics receive no benefits from killing them. To completely stop them one must destroy mystery dwelling in their bodies. Otherwise they will move even as a nail or piece of teeth, resurrect and will do so endlessly as long as conditions are fulfilled.

    • Heart of Darkness: not even darkness of the heart is outside of his reach. Methuselah can create barrier by using inferior lifeforms (like rats) as a core to bring out dark side of person's soul. Target faces his own sins and memories and without any kind of consensus, it's impossible to escape without outside help as dark side is fundamental part of human. All senses (even these spiritual) are completely obstructed. However, it doesn't appear to be usable in combat.

  • Darkness Takeover: all darkness belongs to him. Thus, it's trivial task for him to hijack any kind of phenomenon with the attribute of darkness. He could squeeze out Bey's venous blood from his entire body, severing his connection with Holy Relic and stopping all of his internal organs. Moreover, even conceptually created darkness is no exception, as he could freely control shadows of Rusalka's Briah. Characters like Riza, Spinne and Cain whose abilities are related to darkness, are as good as powerless before him.



  • Predation: as mentioned above, darkness orginally wasn't good or evil, but humanity defined it as a hideous existence. Naming darkness as a synonyms for war, natural disasters, madness and death; all negative concepts in the mankind's minds, constitute his body. That's why, Methuselah is a mass of such phenomena, his means of killing, physically and spiritually, are nearly infinite. Hence, even predation against people is no exception.

    • Stakes: fangs of darkness numbering in thousands, each one with density of hundred nights and power enough to halve body of Bey strenghtened by Valhalla's infinite lifesupply. It's a weapon Ludwig uses by wearing skin of a vampire.

    • Jaws: Methuselah changes surrounding darkness into countless jaws of the evil beasts. Herd of God devouring everything on its way. Just like in the case of stakes, each one of these is made of hundred of nights. Trapping victim in the territory of darkness, deep enough to permanently trap otherwordly lightning without letting its shine out, eventually extinguishing it entirely and not leaving even a single bone. Even if direct attack is avoided, shadows of target's body itself can be used to trigger it. Methuselah can create so many of these that it can only be called tsunami and swarm through Reinhard's Legions.

  • Shadow of Dualism: light and darkness are two sides of the the same coin, depth of darkness increases together with radiance of light. By exploiting this idea, Methuselah can reflect any kind of attack. He can swallow incoming attack and eject it from target's shadow, giving no time for reaction. Collective assault of Valhalla's army, different worlds created by Briah and even Gladsheimr's Golden Light of Destruction capable of turning entire nation to ashes; all of them are equally ineffective. For him it's an effort equivalent to inhaling through nose and exhaling through mouth.

  • Pressure of Darkness: as a personification of darkness, ancient miracle which exceeds magic, act of overturning common sense dwells in his breath, gaze and, of course, voice. Night is a symbol of awe and fear, even those who love it are no exception. It's frightening to wander in the darkness, even if it's a depth of one night. So what will happen upon contact with mass of Methuselah? Spirit will collapse in the abyss exceeding tolerance of thoughts. Conveying his words to everyone under curtain of night, he can transmit his divine authority to half of the world. Crashing them into a state of panic, uncountable number of people either go crazy or commit suicide. Those swallowed by the wave of darkness are imbued with nightmares and left with curse for future generations. Looking, hearing or reading heritage of "King of the Darkness" will drench anyone with madness, changing fetuses inside women's bellies into Noah's children (albinos).

  • Yin/Yang Collapse: not even a technique, but result of his mere movement. As mentioned above, all darkness in the world is his body, from omnipresent night to shadows born in a short flickers of light and of course, shadows of living beings. When Methuselah is moving all this darkness changes direction of his destination. It doesn't mean shift in the rotation of the celestial body, but far more absurd phenomenon. Essentially, from the area where morning should not come yet, all of the darkness is stripped off. In other words, nothigness that is neither Yin or Yang, complete annihilation of the world's order. If he will move irreguraly like that all around the globe, world will perish by itself. However, he can turn it off so his movement won't have such a catastrophic consequences.



  • Darkness Prison: Methuselah changes portion of darkness into sphere which traps target inside. Following that, multiple layers of night are incessantly ejected, forcing victim to destroy them before prison compresses and crushes everything inside. Density of 500,000 layers of night; 1400 years of history, all of them must be destroyed to get free. However, as layers are independent from each other, only one layer can be destroyed at once. It was used to seal Machina and force him to use his Briah, 500,000 times over - feat impossible for anyone in LDO, as Briah duration is only few hours at best. Moreover, for anyone other than Machina it would be even more difficult to surpass, as he can ignore time of destruction per each night with his specific craving. Furthermore, since circumferences of heaven and earth inside this prison are incomprehensible, one's at risk of damaging own's body. Sphere itself can be freely moved, even outside of horizon.



  • Eternal Night: turning time of nights that he himself walked through, Methuselah can drastically accelerate elapsed years of everything in its area of effect. Creation itself can no keep up with it; human's flesh quickly withers away and changes into dust, machines of war are covered with rust and self-destruct. Even Legions of Dead are no exception, as their souls undergo forced decadence and eventually collapse through self-destruction impulses. Just by triggering it 2000 years pass in an instant and elapsed time gradually increases, even up to tens of thousands of years. This attack nearly wiped out Reinhard's entire army and could scratch Golden Beast himself. Furthermore, Methuselah can narrow it down to a single target.



  • Aurora of Darkness: Methuselah covers sky as far as eye can see with aurora of darkness, foretelling descend of something dreadful, as if entire continent was sinking just with preliminary action. It's an exercise of his mystery, natural calamity of a different world; authority that can only be called his trump card. However, before it could show its results, it was stopped by Bey.


- Identity thief: technique learned from Mercurius, unrelated to existence of Methuselah. Through this he can steal person body and identity and acquire all knowledge and experience of the host. He used this to kill and impersonate Ludwig von Rosencrantz. It's probably related to creation of Sensory by Gods.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
