Nathaniel Cade
"This thirst... is it stronger than your faith?"


Name: Nathaniel Cade, Nightmare Pet
Origin: The President's Vampire 
Gender: Male
Classification: Vampire, Vampire King
Age: 170
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, enhanced senses (hearing, taste, touch, sight and smell), night vision, infrared vision, enhanced motor functions, enhanced intelligence, his brain can parallel process and work on a problem from several different angles at once, immortality (Type 3),  regeneration (High - Mid, he was able to instantly heal the damage from having his insides petrify and turn into sand, the millions of fractures across his bones and tissues, and his brain exploding), resistance to disease (including mutagenic retro viruses)resistance to poison, resistance to gases, resistance to nerve agents, resistance to demonic possession, resistance to ghostly possession, resistance to divine relics that can destroy the undead, resistance to psychic compulsions, resistance to illusions, resistance to reality warping (the Boogeyman's reality distortion field has no effect on him), resistance to absorption, resistance to time manipulation (specifically, rapid aging), resistance to soul manipulation (the process of becoming a vampire destroys a person's soul; therefore he has no soul to manipulate to begin with), can enter and exit the Other Side which he can use to trap people (it is another dimension which drives people insane, rapidly ages them, and absorbs them), can negate cross-dimensional teleportation through direct contact, can grab and hurt incorporeal entities, can negate regeneration (he is able to destroy the Boogeyman despite the fact it can regenerate from being shot, stabbed, drowned, burned, decapitated, dismembered, and buried), he does not need to breath, his body does not sweat or produce an odor, his heart does not beat, his body colonizes any foreign organic matter and makes it into his own, his blood can become acid, shape-shifting, flight, and his presence induces involuntary bowel movements so severe it's as if people are eating Hermes' Caribbean drain-o which he can make even worse by reducing people to catatonia 
Weaknesses: He is weaker during the day, and in direct sunlight; fire, has a similar effect on him and deactivates the proteins that make him so durable; he can survive being pinned to a pillar with a sword burning with a blue-white flame for nine hours, and endure fire hot enough to instantly cremate human beings despite this
Destructive Capacity: At least continental, he is stronger than unmenscholdats (who can cause earthquakes, and depopulate entire cities), the Boogeyman (its true body is comparable in size to a newborn continentits true body enters its host's heart filling his veins and permeating every fiber of his being, its reality distortion field can reach all the way from the Other Sideand it can drastically change the weather), he can smash through the defenses of the White House which are noted to be able to withstand hellfire missiles, he can break through the Black Site's doors which are noted to be able to withstand a nuclear blast, and he can break through the blast hardened doors of a missile silo
Range: Human melee range, cross-dimensional
Speed: Relativistic, can move so fast that bullets are frozen in the air, move as fast as signal velocity, and he can calculate things in the time-frame of a single nanosecond
Durability: At least continental he is able to ignore being repeatedly punched and kicked by the Boogeyman, and even fledgling vampires can survive thermonuclear explosions that can wipe entire towns like Jeremiah, Massachusetts off the map
Lifting Strength: Class T, he is able to lift and throw the Boogeyman
Striking Strength:
Class YJ, he can hit the Boogeyman hard enough to break its body
Stamina: Inexhaustible, because his body does not produce fatigue poisons and sleep is not necessary unless he continuously operates during the day; after a week of such activity during the day he must sleep in the dark for twelve hours but this can be mitigated by drinking blood to restore his stamina
Standard Equipment: His rosary, and his watch
Intelligence: He has a photographic memory, and it is physically impossible for him to forget anything due to his physiology as a vampire king. He has experience fighting demons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies, reanimated corpses, lizard men, invisible men, aliens, creatures that have no names, things that call themselves gods, deep ones, the progeny of outer gods, and a whole laundry list of creatures that just keeps on growing. He is an expert tracker, and has over a hundred and forty years of experience working for the government; as both a field agent, and an assassin. He knows several different languages besides English, including both Serbian and Arabic. 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

- Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) - Kenshiro Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: There is an expansive respect thread on Nathaniel Cade here.