Kujou Shiori

Kenpo was never so broken


Name: Kujou Shiori | Marici (her God's Name), "Mirage"
Origin: Kajiri Kamui Kagura
Gender: Female
Classification: Distorted human, disciple of Kujou Koujin-Ryu, member of Eastern Expedition | Gudou God, Star of Shokou Mandala
Age: In early 20s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics and senses, ki manipulation, excellent stealth and martial arts, can summon her parallel possibilities | Same as in base + reality warping, dimensional travel, immortality (types 1 and 4), non-corporeal
Weaknesses: She can summon limited number of possibilities and their death will eventually overload her soul, furthermore she can expand them only in a limited area
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level+ (destroyed several arms of Awaumi at the beginning of the game; her punches generate energy comparable to lightning and earthquakes) | Multiverse level+ (can overlay her infinite possibilities at once, surpassed afterimage of Satanel and in union with Soujiro she could even cross Hajun's singularity, something that even Yatou couldn't do)
Range: Extended melee by summoning her possibilities, hundreds of meters with ki manipulation (could revitalize morale of Black Ships crew) | Multiversal+ (she could cross Hajun's singularity)
Speed: Supersonic+ (slower than Keishirou and Soujiro, but she can still easily surpass speed of sound) | Irrelevant
Durability: Multi city block level+ | Multiverse level+ (all of her infinite possibilities must be destroyed at the same time, even then one must reach her "core" and go through her defense as a Gudou God)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: At least Class GJ+ (she can destroy Awaumi's hand with a single blow and cause earthquakes) | Irrelevant (her single punch is powerful enough to make hole in Soujiro's body and she can stack up infinite amount of possibilities)
Stamina: Very huge (in the Eastern Expedition she's the best at conrolling her energy, she can recycle ki in her body so she doesn't lose much stamina during her attacks) | Infinite
Standard Equipment: Tekoukagi (retractable hand hooks, powerful enough to shatter diamond)
Intelligence: Average, she knows a lot about martial arts and is a combat genius
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- Uho-hou: method to seal misdirection occuring in all things. In other words, to turn off blind spots by changing directions. Adapting to spirit and concepts, its usage is very huge and can influence any territory, from a degree of feelings conversion to high dimensional spiritual defense. This way, Shiori is passively protected with invisible barrier. It's very robust because it constantly crushes weak points. However, it's no better than piece of paper before Taikyoku of Tenma.



- Kujou Koujin-Ryu: martial arts of Kujou Clan. This discipline focuses on lifeforce (ki) manipulation as a form of Qigong. Circulating ki through body, ampliyfing the flow, and releasing it enables highly trained user to fight for a long period of time with almost no loss in stamina. Densely kneaded ki can also promote healing and senses. Since it usually uses fists as a "gate" to release ki, disciples of this school have particularly powerful punches. Enhancing strikes with ki gives illusion that earthquake or lightning have occured. Because it focuses on mastery over lifeforce, stealth is another strong point of this martial arts. Masters, such as Shiori, can move unnoticed even by distorted humans with powerful senses.

  • Dharani Kujakuou: favourite and most used technique of Shiori. Controlling meridians that let ki pass through her body, compressing it during circulation and gathering at her fist, she launches powerful punch that explodes upon contact with vitality itself, causing everything to shatter and dispelling all impurities (like Distortion) . Excess of ki propagates as explosion of lifeforce, wiping out fatigue of hundreds of people and boosting their morale.

    • As a Gudou God, it's a fist of infinite mirage. Powerful enough to decrease Hajun's mandala.

  • Law of Puppet: while normally Shiori can summon possibilities where her lost/damaged arms are intact, in case she can't do that (like through damage done by Taikyoku) she can transplant artifical limbs and control them through ki. Because their power depends on motion and rigidity of her spirit, they can turn into even more powerful weapon than her real limbs.

    • Phantom Limbs: in case she loses her prostheses, Shiori can still create limbs through Qigong, imagining wire-like electrode to pierce her bones and nervous system. These "phantom limbs" won't disappear as long as her ki is circulating through her body, in other words, until she's alive.

  • Dharani Rāgarāja: technique to convert lust directly into ki. Because under jurisdiction of Dai Yokukai Ten Dou, concept of altruistic love is completely unknown, this technique was uselss for her. However, after transcending this law as a Gudou God she could convert her obsessive love for Soujiro and create hole in his body by punching him. Her power increases explosively every time she expresses her feelings for Soujiro.

  • Dai Houroukaku——Zenjuu Dharani: secret technique of Kujou Clan. It fully uses basic principles of Qigong, permeation and backing, to freely steer power of the punch in a desired position, passing through any and all defenses and hitting target directly.

    • As a Gudou God, Shiori can overlap infinite amount of her possible selves in a single place. Avalanche of possibilities, appearing as a genuine meteor shower, to intercept everything is impossible and Shiori could even exceed Taikyoku of Morei, surpass Hajun's singularity and Satanel afterimage's Pillar of Salt.


- Distortion: foreign factor mixing with human world and distorting existing common sense, changing humans into beings out of ordinary doctrine. Their power rises in proportion to degree of pollution. Distorted humans of high-degree emanate perpetual feeling of dread and fear, with such intensity that scenery itself distorts.

  • Dharani Marici: orignally a technique to shift opponent's recognition by dividing an indication sign and actual body, it has even more bizzare function through Shiori's Distortion. In order to project something that doesn't exist in the first place, Shiori ignores laws of physics to implement images existing simultaneously in another dimension by going beyond boundary of the world. In short, to expand possibilities of infinite parallel worlds and exercise concurrent multi-angle attack with just one body. This provides her with huge freedom and versatility in combat by attacking from anywhere and defending from anywhere at the same time or shifting possibilities for a pseudo-insant movement. However, because these possibilities depend on her own competence, Shiori can't defend and attack in the forms that are impossible for her. Furthermore, because she can expand them only in a limited area, range is a huge disadvantage of this Distortion as well.

    • Possibility Shift: because summoned possibilities are not merely created clones, but alter egos of Shiori herself, she acquires form of immortality as long as even one possibility remains. Cancelling damage and shifting to another possibility will result in complete avoidance of death. To completely kill her, destruction of all her possibilities must be achieved. All of them are real and at the same time there's no true one. It's exactly like a heat haze, trying to capture mirage that no one can touch. However, because her possibilities are still herself, their death will eventually breach her core; mind and soul are unable to withstand load of death. Normal person would experience collapse of the spirit with just a single death, even trained person is limited to 2 or 3 deaths and if one can endure beyond 10 (like Shiori), then it's already territory of superhuman. By approaching source of Distortion, number of her summoned possibilities increase and she can call up even hundreds at once.


- Kikei Mandala: blessing of Tumor. While he himself isn't God, since he's connected to Hajun it bestows upon Karmic Stars enormous amount of power. Habaki (Tumor's Sensory) acts as an antennae of Tumor/Hajun power which is then propagated by Rindou (Tumor's Apoptosis) to the Stars of Kikei Mandala. Result of this is an unlimited increase in power, ultimately sublimating to the area of Gods, but at the cost of life and sanity.



- Kouroushinmu Marishi-ten: Shiori's Taikyoku, Gudou type, law that emerged from craving "I want to be my best self". Desire to discover and realize her true self, found ultimately in the equilibrium of her possbilities - as a mirror to capture and reflect the most dazzling radiance of her beloved. Manifestation of this wish is infinite expansion of her own possibilities. Projection of ultimate boundary where difference between image and body no longer exists; existence of infinite mirage. Spreading thinly like a dream, filling everything as an avalanche of potential. Perhaps, she will be able to survive. Perhaps, she will bring forth power to crush her opponent. Perhaps, her attack will reach her enemy. Perhaps, opponent's attack won't reach her at all. As long as possibilities won't end, Shiori remains undefeated. One to hundred of million, one to trillion, and even further and further; possibilities of infinite mirage will remain immutable for eternity. Thus, it's only natural she's the only one able to surpass singularity of Muryou Taisuu.

  • Possibility Shift: this ability is no different from her Distortion, but by sublimating into a territory of God, she no longer has limitations to the number of selves she can put in parallel. Using her dead possibilities as a stepping stones, she can reach even Morei who turned into star of hellfire. Directly exercising "number of possible hits" she can stack up infinite amount of selves on a single opponent. Cancellation and shift of possibilities is now truly comparable to infinite mirage; trying to touch her is like trying to catch moon's reflection. To kill her, all possibilities must be surpassed at the same time.

  • Core of Mirage: even when all her possibilities are cut or destroyed, Shiori can create possbility on her own. Weaving possibility that she will receive only minor injuries from all-killing blade or she will not be cut at all. Whatever possibility it is, it doesn't matter at all. Because Shiori will realize such future either way. In case of attack that she absolutely can't negate, she can minimize damage by connecting with possibilities where damage was the lowest.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | Gudou God