Name: Petra Johanna Lagerkvist
Origin: Arcana Heart
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, agent of the European Celestial Union, Maiden of Holy
Age: 14
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, superb markswoman (to the point she can perform precise geometric attacks), skilled in CQC combat, pseudo flight, highly acrobatic, summoning, energy blasts (through her twin handguns and are capable of ricocheting off surfaces), holy light manipulation, regeneration (low level), shockwave generation, temporarily boost her own stats
Weaknesses: Petra is required to commit holy acts to access Zillael, stern and prideful, can be confused by acts that she considers questionable
Destructive Capacity: Island level (her powers can rival Angelia)
Range: Standard human range, at least several dozen meters with projectiles
Speed: Sub-relativistic+ (her powers can rival Angelia)
Durability: Island level
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25, possibly higher (can toss around Catherine's mecha)
Striking Strength: Class EJ
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: Her pair of magical handguns Christina and Alexandra, the Holy Arcana "Zillael"
Intelligence: Very gifted; Despite her age, Petra is among one of the highest ranked agents of the European Celestial Union and a competent detective, manages her wealth effectively without being too reliant on it, master of combat and spiritual powers


Notable Attacks/Techniques:


-L.G.A Fire Type - α: After a lovely step and twirl, Perta blasts the opponent with both guns. In midair, she whirls before raining shots down.

-L.G.A Fire Type - β/β´: Petra fires a reflecting bullet either up or downwards. The ricochet count is dependent on the number of times the bullet hits the floor and the ceiling.

-L.G.A Fire Type - β´´: Petra fires a bouncing bullet in a very steep angle. It is slower than β/β´ version and the ether/bound properties are the same pretty much. This move does a good job trying of eliminate Perta's greatest weakness, opponents directly above her and lets you control the air space fairly well.

-L.G.A Assault: Petra performs a steeply angled jump while spinning. The move itself does not attack the enemy, but performs a different attack after an additional command is input. Depending on what button you press Perta will move faster or slower through the air, but the height of the leap does not change.

-L.G.A Strike Fire: Petra shoots up and down in the air.

-L.G.A Intense Reject: While close to the opponent during the leap of, she can command grab them with this move. Petra locks the opponent with both lets the slams them to the ground, think of this as a Hooligan Throw.

-L.G.A Dodge - BC: Petra puts a smile on and turns her body away for a dodge. There is actually very little danger in using this move so let it rip. During this move...

-L.G.A Counter Fire - ABC [During Dodge]: During Petra's dodge, you can fire at the opponent a mid, low or high move.
(A version) - Gives you upper body invincibility and and fires upwards. This is air unlockable and you can HC it for a combo follow up.
(B version) - Gives you mid-body invincibility (from around your chest to waist) and shoot horizontally. On hit, the opponent will be blown to the wall like an E move
(C version) - Gives you invincibility from about your knee down and fires downward. Ground slams the opponent so you can follow up with an HC for a combo.

-L.G.A Charge - 1: Petra spins her gun like Plaxico Burress and reloads an ether cartridge.

-L.G.A Combination Fire: Petra's rondo.

-L.G.A Charge - 3: Super reload. Charges your ether stock to 3 in one go.

-My, What Have I Done...: Petra jumps up a bit and then kicks directly down in front of her.

-L.G.A Superior Fire: Eating up all the ether cartridges, Petra fires a large laser towards to opponent for big damage.

-Gopsel: Zillael fires light from all directions.


Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses: