Helios Dragon Blaze
The Titan Helios of DB


Name: Helios
Origin:  Dragon Blaze
Gender: Female
Classification: Titan, War God, Ruler of Time and Space, Commander of the 12 War Gods (transcended form)
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed and durability, time manipulation, space manipulation, barriers, holy energy
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: At least star level, possibly solar system level (at least equal to Atlas) | At least universal (has the power to collapse all of spacetime with her spear) | Higher
Range: At least planetary (a few Titans have casual planetary range) | Universal | Same
Speed: FTL (even ones who are not deities can match the speed of light) | MFTL (at least equal to Atlas). Her ability to manipulate time to amplify her speed would make her faster | Higher
Durability: N/A | N/A | N/A
Lifting Strength: At least Class M (a descendant of the Titans can flick away huge mountains) | Higher | Higher
Striking Strength:
N/A | At least Class XGJ, likely higher (can match Atlas, who can bust stars with physical might) | Higher (superior to Atlas)
Stamina: N/A | N/A | N/A
Standard Equipment: Longsword | Holy Spear | Holy Spear & her steed
Intelligence: Originally a member of the Titans, she apparently rose in ranks to become their commander over Chronos. This suggest respect and an alptitude to lead, as Chronos is not noted to have lost it due to incompetence or any negative aspect.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Flow of Time & Wave of Time:  Manipulates the time of her or her allies in order to allow their speed to be amplified

- Boundary of Time: Distorts the boundary of time that can nullify her opponents attack

- Reversing Time: Distorts the enemies time and space


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses:

Key: Titan form | Giant form | Transcended form

Other: The profile only accounts the character entries and not the events that take place in the story. She can possibly possess a number of other relevant info (namely abilities) as she was involved in a few conflicts with other high power and hax characters. Basically, a WIP