Name: Jean Grey, Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, Dark Queen, Goblin Queen, Madelyne Pryor
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Female
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Likely around her 20s
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Technopathy, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Energy Blasts, Forcefields, resistance to Mind Manipulation | Flight, Transmutation, Teleportation, BFR (can create portals), resistance to power absorption
Weaknesses: Using her telepathic powers often exhausts her, anti-mutant collars can shut down her powers via radiation | Jean can fight back the Phoenix's influence, rendering her disabled for a few seconds | Is emotionally distressed and under the control of Mr. Sinister
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (comparable to a normal Storm, who can casually create thunderclouds) | At least galaxy level+ (contained the M'Kraan Crystal, which was a threat to the galaxy. Stronger than D'Ken, who could manipulate the galaxy inside the Crystal to his desire) possibly universe level (the Crystal was stated to be a threat to both the Milky Way and Lilandra's home galaxy. Jean stated D'Ken was creating a universe inside the Crystal. The Dark Phoenix was stated to be a threat to all that is and all that lives. Xavier states they prevented the Phoenix from destroying the universe) | At least multi-continent level+, likely higher (easily defeated Magneto)
Range: Human melee range, several km with telekinesis (covered a sizable part of Asteroid M) planetary with telepathy via Cerebro | At least galactic | Human melee range, several km with telekinesis, planetary with telepathy via Cerebro
Speed: Superhuman with relativistic attack speed/reactions (comparable to Cyclops and Storm, both of which could dodge Magneto's EM waves. Easily comparable to character's capable of dodging and intercepting Cyclops' optic blasts) | FTL (flew from the sun to Venus in seconds) possibly higher (Gladiator likely flew from his home galaxy to the earth in a short timeframe) | At least relativistic, possibly higher (Rogue flew from the X-Men ship to the moon in seconds)
Durability: City level+, higher with telekinetic shields | At least galaxy level+ | City level+, at least multi-continent level+, possibly higher with telekinetic shields
Lifting Strength: Class K (comparable characters are capable of throwing out cars and huge boulders. Lifted half of a multi-story building)
Striking Strength: Class PJ+ | Class Galactic+ | Class YJ+
Stamina: Superhuman | Nigh-unlimited (the Phoenix Force is stated to be a source of unlimited power and/or energy) | Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Her X-Men suit
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Key: Jean Grey | Phoenix/Dark Phoenix | Goblin Queen/Madelyn
Other: Not to confuse with her Earth-616 self