See that white void that dwarfs the "flaw" (i.e. Creation)? That's Monitor-Mind the Overvoid


Name: Monitor-Mind the Overvoid, Monitor-Mind, The Overvoid, The Primal Monitor, The Overmonitor, Monitor, Monitor-Mind the Over-Void, God, The Source, The Void
Origin: DC Comics
Gender: N/A
Classification: Conscious, living, infinitely vast void beyond Creation
Age: Older than Creation. Possibly infinite.
Powers and Abilities: Nigh-omnipotence, nigh-omniscience, omnipresence, concept manipulation, concept creation, and concept destruction, duality transcendence (Word of God has stated that Monitor-Mind the Overvoid is "non-dual"), can create and send probes to accomplish tasks
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least Megaverse level+, likely higher (the whole of Creation is nothing more than a microbe compared to Monitor-Mind the Overvoid)
Range: Infinite
Speed: Omnipresent
Durability: At least Megaverse level+, likely higher
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Immeasurable
Stamina: Infinite
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Monitor-Mind the Overvoid is "only" nigh-omniscient. This is due to the fact that it didn't always have knowledge of Creation, and had to notice the "germ" that was the whole of Creation. This is without mentioning that Monitor-Mind the Overvoid had to create and send a probe (the original Crisis on Infinite Earths Monitor) to observe the inner workings of Creation.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Monitor-Mind the Overvoid is "only" nigh-omnipotent due to the fact that it had a superior will imposed on it, that superior will "drawing" Creation onto the Overvoid. This superior will is presumably the Presence, as the Presence is often cited to be the creator of Creation. This is not without mentioning the fact that Monitor-Mind the Overvoid is "only" nigh-omniscient as well.