 He lies.


Name: Helios
Origin: God of War
Gender: Male
Classification: God of the Sun
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthdurabilityspeed and reflexes, photokinesispyrokinesisimmortality (Type 1), power-granting, summoning, can fly with his chariot
Weaknesses: Doesn't respond well to his head being ripped off
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (his death instantly covered Greece with a storm, also comparable with other gods that can raise mountains and destroy islands)
Range: Thousands of miles with projectiles and magic
Speed: Transonic+ with massively hypersonic+ reactions, sub-relativistic attack speed as the Head of Helios
Durability: Likely country level+
Lifting Strength: Class G
Striking Strength: Class ZJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Sun shield, Sun chariot pulled by three horse-like spirits representing the eastern, western and southern winds
Intelligence: Has thousands of years worth of experience 
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

- Sun shield: an item capable of deflecting island-level blasts from even gods.

- Sun chariot: allows for excellent maneuverability only surpassed by Hermes.

sun chariot
The Sun chariot


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
