I just gave you diabetes and testicular cancer. Are you frustrated? 


Name: Pestilence
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Male
Classification: Horseman of the Apocalypse, conceptual being
Age: At least as old as humanity
Powers and Abilities: Conceptual (as hunger incranate he can't be killed through conventional means), cosmic awareness, telekinesisinvisibilityteleportation, can create and manipulate diseases, plagues, infestations, and other ailments of his choosing
Weaknesses: Can be depowered if his ring is removed
Destructive Capacity: Unknown
Range: Several dozen meters at least, planetary with the Croatoan virus
Speed: Peak human
Durability: Peak human, he is a conceptual being to compensate though
Lifting Strength: Peak human
Striking Strength: 
Class H
Stamina: Limitless
Standard Equipment: His ring (and source of his power), his green Hornet Wagon 
Intelligence: Genius; older than humanity and has unparalleled knowledge of various status ailments
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: Not to be confused with other version of the Horseman Pestilence in fiction.