He's the inmortal Iron Fist, living weapon, protector of K'un-Lun and sworn enemy of the Hand and he'll make goddamn sure you know it.


Name: Daniel Thomas Rand-K'ai, Danny Rand, Iron Fist
Origin:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human martial artist, Living Weapon, superhero, vigilante
Age: 27
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability and stamina. Chi Manipulation, Chi Absorbtion, Chi Sensing, Chi Healing (low), Chi Channeling, Empathy, Master Martial Artist, Master Swordsman, Master Acrobat, Skilled Marksman
Weaknesses: Can run out of Chi. Can be prevented from using it depending on his emotional, mental, physical state or by being drugged
Destructive Capacity: At least wall level+ (comparable to the likes of Daredevil), likely small building level+ (could knock out Murakami), small building level+ with the Iron Fist (could harm Luke Cageoverpowered Madame Gao, destroyed an entire room)
Range: Human melee range, a few dozen meters with bullets and the Iron Fist's shockwaves
Speed: Subsonic with supersonic attack speed/reactions (could keep up with Daredevil, easily dodged Luke's punches)
Durability: At least wall level+ (took hits from the likes of Daredevil, Davos and Bakuto), likely small building level+, small building level+ with the Iron Fist (could clash with Madame Gao and Black Sky Elektra)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman via powerscaling
Striking Strength:
Class KJ+, likely Class MJ, Class MJ with the Iron Fist
Stamina: Superhuman via powerscaling
Standard Equipment: Two Colt M1911A1's
Intelligence: Average normally, expert as a martial artist, having been trained for a decade in Wushu, Wing Chun, Tai-Chi, Silat, and many others. He's also notably skilled with swords, nunchakus and handguns.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Chi Manipulation: Under the tutelage of the Order of the Crane Mother, Danny Rand gain deep knowledge and understanding of chi. After gaining the power of the Iron Fist, Danny Rand can harness his own chi to augment his physical and mental capabilities. Through the use of his chi, Rand is capable of generating an "internal force" that removes the need for charging momentum. The special chi of the Iron Fist bestowed by Shou-Lao also grants Rand many abilities that he has not yet learned, due to him leaving K'un-Lun before his Iron Fist training started. 

Iron Fist Punch: By channeling the chi of Shou-Lao and focusing it into his hand and wrist, Rand can make his fist superhumanly powerful and resistant to injury and pain. With his fist in this state, Rand can exert superhuman strength and force with which he can smash through steel doors, break out of restraints, and punch his opponents with tremendous concussive force without sustaining injury to himself. When Rand uses the Iron Fist, his fist's density and durability is seemingly on the level of Luke Cage's extremely durable skin, as he can use his fist to deflect bullets and blades while sustaining no harm. He could even injure Luke and send him flying with a single punch to the face. Luke himself described Rand's punching power as hard as a sledgehammer. Using chi in such fashion takes time and effort to build up, meaning he cannot access it effortlessly and at all times, as he is sometimes unable to repeat the act for hours or even an entire day in certain instances due to it draining his own chi. Also, Rand's emotional, mental and physical state are essential to him using his powers, with drugs being able to suppress his abilities and emotional conflict removing his ability to use the fist.

Chi Absorbtion: Studying the ancient scrolls of the ritual, Danny Rand learned how to absorb chi. While he have not used the technique on anyone yet, he has enough understanding to instruct Colleen Wing on how to use it.

Chi Blast: Danny Rand's fist is able to release powerful waves of concussive force upon impact, sending not only his opponent flying backwards, but all those around them. Rand first used this during his fight with his fellow Defenders, he punched Luke Cage but ended up knocking back everyone in the entire room, including himself. The impact also sent all the objects in the room flying up in the air. He later used this during the fight under Midland Circle, he was able to knock down not just Madame Gao, but all the Hand members around her, with a single blow. With enough effort and motivation,the Iron Fist's chi could also send objects and people flying, as he was able to eject several poison needles the Bride of Nine Spiders from his body, causing them to shoot out in multiple directions and shatter the glass around him. When several Hand operatives where piling around him and Davos, Rand knocked them all off with a forceful shove, some of them he did not even touch while doing so, leaving the men incapacitated.

Chi Sense: By focusing on the living body of another, Danny Rand can feel that person's inherent life force, as well as sense impurities infecting the body. By using this practice, Rand was able to hold his hand and use his chi to sense the poison that was affecting Colleen Wing.

Chi Healing: Danny Rand is capable of healing his wounds by channeling his chi. When a bullet pierced his hand, he was able to regenerate the wound in a matter of seconds by summoning the Iron Fist. Also, by holding his hand over her body, Rand was able to use his chi to burn the poison that was killing Colleen Wing.

Chi Channeling: Danny Rand has the power to channel his chi into his dual pistols, making the bullets glow and aimed directly to other objects in order to destroy them completely. 

Empathy: Danny Rand has the ability to sense the emotions of people and animals, and can broadcast his own feelings into others. After breaking into Joy Meachum's home, Rand was able to stop her dog from attacking him by sending his own calm emotions into the dog, causing it to lay down and become uninterested. While helping Luke Cage in his fight against Bushmaster, Rand was able to feel the turmoil in Cage, how he was at war with himself and how it was putting his mind and body off balance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses:  

Kamen Rider Sigma (Kamen Rider) - Kamen Rider Sigma Profile (Danny was fighting alongside Daredevil)

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart