He understands the references so you don't have to.


Name: Steven Grant Rogers, Steve Rogers, Captain America
Origin:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human super soldier, Avenger, superhero, vigilante
Age: Chronologically 105 (born on July 4th, 1918), biologically 36
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, and agility. enhanced longevity, immunity to all earthly diseases, and infections, immunity to intoxication by alcohol, regeneration (mid-low), martial artist (hand-to-hand and shield specialist), acrobat, tactician, marksman | Energy blasts (electricity), weather manipulation, flight    
Weaknesses: None notable.
Destructive Capacity: At least wall level+ (Steve is strong enough to physically anchor a helicopter to the landing pad, kick a truck the better part of a meter, and keep Tony from taking off in his MK46 armor [one handed, no leverage]), multi city block level+ when striking with his shield (Steve broke a foot repulsor on the MK46 Iron Man armor and embedded his shield in its chest plate) | At least country level+ (Anyone wielding Mjolnir should scale to Thor's best non-Stormbreaker feats), potentially as high as small planet level+ (Steve was able to hurt and stagger Thanos while wielding Mjolnir)
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with his shields and various firearms.
Speed: At least superhuman (Steve outran various speeding cars along with Black Panther) with hypersonic+ reactions (Steve fought hand-to-hand with Stark armors like the Iron Man MK46 and the War Machine MK 3; both superior to the MHS Iron Man MK 42) | MFTL+ reactions via powerscaling
Durability: Multi city block level+ (He could take hits from the Winter Soldier and Black Panther; took a repulsor blast to the chest from Ultron), much higher with his shield (Vibranium has shown durability ranging from Town to Country level to potentially higher) | At least country level+, likely much higher (Armed with Mjolnir, Steve could take hits from Thanos)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (Steve fought hand-to-hand with Stark armors like the Iron Man MK 46 and War Machine MK 3; the latter was strong enough to carry a tank while in flight) | Class G+ via powerscaling
Striking Strength:
Class GJ+ | At least class ZJ+
Stamina: Superhuman (Steve has run for 13 miles without showing any signs of fatigue)
Standard Equipment: His different suits, his Vibranium shield | Mjolnir
Intelligence: High. Exceptional leadership, deductive, analytical, and tactical skills. His combat style is a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jujutsu, Taekwondo, and Aikido.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Base | With Mjolnir

Other: Not to be confused with his Earth 616 or Avengers Assemble counterparts.