Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...


Name: Anthony Edward Stark, Tony Stark, Iron Man
Origin:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Avenger, superhero
Age: 53 (deceased)
Powers and Abilities: Genius-level intellect, engineer, scientist, businessman, recreational martial artist. Superhuman strength, durability, speed, and fire manipulation with his armor | Flightenergy blasts (concussive force), explosivesElectricity absorption, sonic attacks, armor summoning, self-destruction, technopathic link |  Weapon creation (magnets, repulsors, elemental weapons, first aid tools, blades, blunt weapons, etc...), armor regeneration (low-mid) | Spatial manipulation (portals, teleportation, intangibility, telekinesis), energy manipulation (absorptionforcefields, telekinesis), reality-warping (transmutation), soul manipulation (astral projection, can commune with the dead), mind manipulation (illusions, mind control), time manipulation (freeze, rewind, fast-forward, time travel), regeneration (at least high-low)
Weaknesses: That of a normal human without his armors | The MK 2 will seize up in extreme cold, prohibiting high-altitude flight. Tony referred to this as "the icing problem". He designed the MK 3 in response to this issue. The MK 5 seemed unusually vulnerable to electric attacks during its fight with Whiplash. This could be a result of the MK 5's portability requiring it to be less powerful than earlier models. It is also unclear if the MK 5 can fly. The MK 50's regeneration and weapon creation is limited by the number of nanomachines remaining. The MK 85 mitigates this problem to some degree by incorporating an energy shield, whereas the MK 50 constructs its shield from the same nanite pool that forms the armor itself. | As a mortal man, Tony is not strong enough to wield the Infinity Stones directly. Just being in contact with them does severe damage to his body, and using all of the stones at once resulted in his death.    
Destructive Capacity: At least building level (Its reactor generates 3 gigawatts, according to Tony) | Building level+ (Its reactor generates 8 gigawatts)  | City level (Tony says his MK 6 armor has a 47.8 MT laser | At least country level, likely higher (The Hulkbuster drew blood from an enraged Hulk whose durability scales to the likes of Thor and Captain Marvel) | At least country level+, potentially up to large planet level+ (After several attempts, Tony is able to draw blood from Thanos by, basically, punching him in the face really hard with the MK 50) | At least galaxy level+, likely higher (Thanos planned to atomize the universe with a completed Infinity Gauntlet, and Ultron (What If...?) displayed galaxy-destroying power with only 5 of the 6 Infinity Stones)
Range: Human to extended melee range, dozens of meters with his weapons | Multiversal (With all 6 Infinity Stones, Ultron (What If...?) was able to shatter the barriers between universes)
Speed: Human level with hypersonic attack reactions (Tony could dodge Extremis soldiers without the suit) | Hypersonic (The MK 3 could fly from the U.S to Afghanistan in a relatively short timeframe, and was able to outpace Mach 2 fighter jets) | Hypersonic+ (The MK 42 flew over 800 miles in just over a minute) | At least massively hypersonic reactions, potentially much higher (The Hulkbuster kept up with Hulk who scales to Thor. Party Thor, a less disciplined multiverse variant from the era of Thor 1, kept pace with his Captain Marvel) | MFTL reactions via powerscaling | MFTL reactions | MFTL reactions
Durability: Building level |  Building level+ | At least building level+, likely higherAt least multi city block level+ (The MK 45 tanked a portion of the Sakovia explosion) | Likely country level | Country level (The MK 50 tanked a headbutt from Thanos. Regeneration increases its overall survivability, even against attacks well outside its weight class. But, ultimately, Thanos was able to rip Tony's entire helmet off with one hand. And every blast Tony took from the Power Stone stripped him of a few more nanites.) | Large planet level+ (The MK 85 tanked a Mjolnir + Stormbreaker combo that was meant for Thanos, and it was able to channel the full force of Endgame Thor's lightning) | At least galaxy level+
Lifting Strength: Likely Class 10  
| Class 50 |  Class 100 (comparable to War Machine, who could lift a tank) | At least Class G | At least galactic, likely incalculable (With all 6 Infinity Stones, Ultron (What If...?) was able to grow several times larger than a galaxy)
Striking Strength:
Class MJ+ | Class GJ+ | At least Class ZJ | Class XKJAt least galactic+
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: His armors, a repulsor watch capable of stopping bullets and stunning super soldiers, AI glasses with an advanced HUD and satellite-enabled drone control, a smartphone that can hijack basically any monitor 
Intelligence: High. An exceptional scientific prodigy, Tony Stark is ingeniously resourceful, knowledgeable, and brilliant in many different fields of science, particularly physics, but also computer science, chemistry, and neuroscience, having graduated summa cum laude from MIT at age seventeen. Hence, he was able to attach an Arc Reactor to his chest in order to save his life, to synthesize a previously unknown element discovered by his father Howard Stark, to understand Erik Selvig's thermonuclear astrophysics notes on the Tesseract overnight, and to modify Maya Hansen's Extremis formula. Stark, however, notably admits to Bruce Banner surpassing him in the fields of radiophysics, particle collisions, and bio-organics.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Repulsors: Particle weapons in the palm gauntlets that shoot beams or blasts of concussive and explosive force, allowing them to can repel physical and energy-based attacks. Early repulsors needed time to recharge after use, but, because of the new Arc Reactor, they are able to fire at a moment's notice. The repulsors show to be strong enough to kill regular humans with one strike, destroy most stone and metal objects with ease, and destroy unmanned battle drones. When the suit is charged with additional power, the repulsors are powerful enough to stun even a superhuman with sufficient durability like Thor. It also enabled him to stun Loki on two occasions and take down numerous Chitauri foot soldiers and airships with ease. His repulsors shot down two of the three attack helicopters that destroyed his house and were capable of killing Extremis-enhanced soldiers at full charge. The repulsors now can fire in the form of segmented bolts and blasts instead of just beams. Also, by the sixth armor, the repulsor's can become small laser like welding beams, which Stark used to install an Arc Reactor for Stark Tower. The ones on the Mark XLVI are capable of launching targets off their feet without killing them and can even incapacitate super soldiers such as the Winter Soldier and Captain America, though they each proved resilient enough to continue fighting.

- Unibeam: A more powerful version of the hand repulsor. It is located in the chest. However, it requires more power from the Arc Reactor to use and cannot be used as often. He used a blast through the chest to kill Extremis-enhanced Eric Savin after the many times Savin had taken several shots from his repulsor blasts. Indeed, the Unibeam is also powerful enough to disintegrate the Winter Soldier's prosthetic arm.

- Lasers: A powerful weapon in the gauntlet wrists that can cut through any common metal. However, it is not strong enough to penetrate a Leviathan's shell. It has been shown to be very proficient against the Hammer Drones but Stark stated it only had a one-time use. It has been improved and has been used on several occasions in later models. They draw power from the Arc Reactor for more sustained operations, and can theoretically reduce the armor energy reserves to a drained state if operated indefinitely.

- Smart Micro-Guns: Small anti-personnel guns in the shoulders that can target individual targets at once and fire at a moment's notice. It's proved to be highly effective against unarmored foot soldiers. They could be used to incapacitate rather than killing, allowing them to be used to incapacitate HYDRA agents during the assault on Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's research base in Sokovia.

- Missiles: Among the most proficient of the armor's weapon system are the missiles which he first used against a tank sent by the Ten Rings. The earliest incarnations of the armor held a multi-fire adhesive grenade launcher in the upper arm. It includes Anti-Tank, Armor-Piercing rounds. In later models, the armor has mini-rockets hidden in a secret compartment in the boosters on the back, that blew up numerous Chitauri ships. Stark was able to destroy a Leviathan by flying into its mouth and launching them throughout its body with missiles in compartments in his knees. When using the Mark VII, he was able to use a missile hit by a repulsor to take down an attacker. From the Mark XLIII onward, the missiles used by the armor were shown to explode on impact rather than first attaching to the target, with the launchers for the missiles usually being located on either the arm or shoulder. Additionally, their destructive power grew, allowing them to blast through stone and metal.

- Mini thrusters: Iron man can summon small circular thrusters, that can open up and attach to a surface to aid Iron Man it complicated situations. This was shown when he summoned thrusters with Iron Man Armor: Mark XLVII to assist him in repairing the ferry that Spider-Man failed to save.

- EMP Projectiles: At the beginning of the Clash of the Avengers, Iron Man launched a device that emitted an electromagnetic pulse on a helicopter that prevented Captain America and Winter Soldier from escaping with it. The device disrupted and disabled the helicopter's machinery.

- Shield: To reduce the damage taken by a charged strike from Cull Obsidian, Stark quickly dons his armors and then creates a considerably large shield to protect himself. He uses the shield once more to withstand energy blasts from the Power Stone during his fight with Thanos.

- Repulsor Cannon: Stark can materialize repulsor cannons around his wrists to greatly enhance his energy-based attacks. He is capable of making them a wide variety of sizes. He could make them large to cover the entirety of his wrist, small to only cover the top half of his wrist or, alternatively, wide for a greater sized area of attack. Furthermore, he can use his armor plates to cover a small portion of his wrists to shoot a long beam of repulsor energy. However, it was proven to be ineffective in penetrating the defenses conjured by Thanos using the Power Stone.

- Proton Cannons: The suit can eject and form multiple massive magnetically levitating cannons that enable him to fire a gigantic proton beam that was powerful enough to send Cull Obsidian flying down a street.

- Energy Hammer: The suit is able to conjure a powerful, laser-guided and repulsor-powered hammer. It was able to land a critical blow to Thanos, making him bleed, however, due to his tough skin, it only merely scraped him. Blades: For close range combat and slashing attacks, Stark can materialize small, circular blades out of his wrists. He can also form long sword-like blades for slightly longer range as well as large Talon blades that are charged with repulsor energy for enhanced and more devastating attacks.

- Jackhammers: The Mark L armor can materialize extremely dense, pressure-activated hammers in the hands with enough force to topple Thanos himself, although it did little damage on the Titan.

- Restrain Construction: The suit is capable of constructing and ejecting multiple traps and snares that are capable of slowing Thanos down and preventing mobility in his hands and feet, although it was only temporary as Thanos was able to rip the trap out of his Gauntlet's hand eventually.

- Medical Suture Spray: The suit is also equipped with an emergency surgical medical spray which can bind and close severe wounds after Stark was stabbed in the abdomen by Thanos.

- Coolant Blasters: To seal the large crack in Thanos' ship, Stark used small blasters located on his wrists to spray freezing gas over the gap, engulfing it in thick ice.

- Powered Clamps: Tony can launch two disc-like projectiles consecutively with retractable metal fibers that can form a powered clamp to bind enemies. It is powerful enough to bind the legs of Captain America.

- Armor Systems: The armor has remote assistance from J.A.R.V.I.S. who manages the armor's systems at Stark's command, and the armor also has a holographic HUD with heads-up displays for navigation, power level, armor status, weapons systems, vital signs with cellphone and computer connections in the helmet, and a built-in loudspeaker. The armor is powered by a miniature Arc Reactor and has an onboard generator for emergencies. The scanner systems are capable of scanning the environment, weather conditions, and equipment for information.

- Energy Conversion Power Recharge: The armor is able to absorb and convert energy sources, such as heat, kinetic energy or energy from the planet itself into electricity, directly into the batteries for recharge. Thor struck it with a full lightning blast from Mjølnir, but Stark was amazed to find that all it did was charge up the suit to 475%, allowing him to use a powerful repulsor blast and increase his strength substantially enough to give Thor a decent fight.

- Self-Contained Life-Support System and Environmental Protection: The armor can be completely sealed for operations in vacuum or underwater, providing its own life support. It is also shielded against radiation. The armor is shown to be capable of operating underwater, are resistant to water damage, and display no sign of faults once they're submerged under water, but not designed for deep space travel (However, Tony has a new specialized armor designed to help with that situation). Most of Iron Man's recent armor systems are capable of space and underwater travel.

- Heads Up Display (HUD): The Heads-Up display shows important things for the suit. The Heads Up Display of the Iron Man suit is powered by F.R.I.D.A.Y., Stark's artificial intelligence. The Suit also has Defensive and Offensive sections, able to switch around the sections, resorting to missiles and lasers. The HUD can also be talked to, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. will reply to it. The HUD can scan people, missile identifications, make calls, and give crucial suit credentials such as power. The HUD also has navigational (GPS) support. The suit also has radio capabilities, shown by Tony Stark talking to the Avengers as well as Nick Fury and Maria Hill at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

- Direct Cybernetic Interface: Thanks to micro-repeaters injected into his left forearm, Stark can mentally and remotely control the Iron Man armors beginning with the Mark XLII either as a whole or in pieces with a combination of gestures and thought. This is further augmented by a holographic headset, which allows Stark to see through the Mark XLII's primary camera and allowing for complete remote control of the armor as though he were wearing it. The system was still in the test phases when Stark was forced to use it during his campaign against Aldrich Killian and had a tendency to fail at random.

- Armor-Link: Stark can mentally command the armor with his thoughts even when he is fully unconscious. The Mark XLII almost attacked Pepper Potts in bed when Stark was having a nightmare. Potts' screams woke Stark in time to shut down the armor. He also can use a holographic headset that mimics the armors heads-up display and allows him to remotely control the armor as if he were inside it. He used this headset to remotely pilot the Mark XLII while he was on a speedboat with James Rhodes searching for Killian. He sent the armor aboard Air Force One to battle and kill Eric Savin and save its surviving occupants. Two years later he displayed these abilities with regards to the Mark XLIII, being able to summon pieces of it on telephonic command.


Notable OBD Victories: 

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) - Ichigo Kurosaki Profile
One Piece-verse (One Piece)
Justice League (DC Expanded Universe)
- Various Digimon - Vamdemon/Myotismon ProfilePiedmon ProfileDynasmon Profile
Whitebeard (One Piece) - Whitebeard Profile
 Yu Yu Hakusho-verse (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Notable OBD Losses: 

Dragon Ball-verse (Dragon Ball) (this was a gauntlet-style match. He stopped at first form Freeza)
- Lord Boros (One-Punch Man) - Lord Boros Profile (outdated)
Tommyrod (Toriko) - Tommyrod Profile 

Key: MK 1 | MK 2 to MK 5MK 6 and MK 7 | MK 43, MK 45, and MK 46MK 44 (Hulkbuster)MK 50 | MK 85Infinity Gauntlet

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 or Avengers Assemble counterparts