

Name: Bartimaeus of Uruk, Rekhyt (Name favored by Ptolemy)
Origin: Bartimaeus Sequence 
Gender: Male 
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, endurance, durability, magic (can include elemental manipulation, creation of pseudo-blackholes, barriers, forcing objects to shake apart, illusions, telekinesis, etc.), Shapeshifting
Weaknesses: Silver "burns" his essence, and cuts through his magic. Iron has a similiar, yet lesser effect. Has an aversion to certain herbs and powders. 
Destructive Capacity: Large building level (Can produce detonations potent enough to vaporize people, his own rebounded detonation also caused him more harm than the backlash of Gladstone's ampted attack [which should be at least comparable to the bolts Nathaniel was throwing around at the end of book three], should be able to put the same amount of energy into an offensive spell as he could a Shield.)
Speed: Faster than the eye+ (his speed in the guise of a Phoneix was caled at 111.76 meters per second when he flew a distance of 1200 miles between dawn, and noon); supersonic+ reactions (can somewhat successfully guide himself when in the form of a bolt of lightning)
Durability: Small-building level (managed to survive a thrasing from Ammet, a Marid, who while most likely inferior to Atlas, should be in the general ballpark in strength, tanked the backlash of Gladstone's amped attack with no injury, tanked his own detonation), large building level with Shields (mentions that if he were to throw up a Shield around him and Nathaniel, the bolt fired from Gladstone's staff would be reflected)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+ (can casually lift and toss half-ton blocks of limestone, ripped a statue off its foundation to throw a Verroq, a Djinni of lesser power is capable of easily picking up a large porta-potty)
Striking Strength: Class MJ (is able kill men with his barehands, has punched through a reinforced door casually and even when massively-weakened he was still able to bend metal-bars, threw a wooden-spear with enough force to pierce clean through Ammet)
Stamina: Decently high (is capable of functioning for long periods of time on Earth, despite the fact that it weakens him. Even when the majority of his essence was deteroiated, he managed to stay ahead of several demons in a chase which spanned miles in order to reach Nathaniel)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, has more than five thousand years experience on and off the Earth. Rebuilt “the walls of Uruk, Karnak and Prague”. Is capable of functioning on several conscious levels of thought, regularly uses surperior intelligence and skill to best more powerful foes. 

Notable OBD Victories:

Harry Potter (Harry Potter) - Harry Potter Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

